Linux-Hardware Digest #879, Volume #13           Sun, 12 Nov 00 13:13:05 EST

  Re: mount/umount LS-120 floppydrive? ("Gene Heskett")
  SBLIVe  -  XFree4.01 ("Galactica")
  Re: Help with Dial-up in Redhat 7.0 ("jwilcox154")
  Re: 80GB Maxtor and RH6.1 (Dick Visser)
  Color Depth : Hercules Dynamite 3D/GL (Raymond Chan)
  Re: Looking  for Sound and Modem dirver on HP Pavillion 8521 ("Peter T. Breuer")
  Re: CPU Temperature question (Mark Dickie)
  Video Capture drivers for Chronotel chipset ("Garrett Kajmowicz")
  Re: USB printer and RedHat 7.0 ("Ernest N. Mamikonyan")
  Re: Plug and Play Linux (Xavier)
  LILO, scsi, DAC960 and IDE ("Retro Grouch")
  Re: LILO, scsi, DAC960 and IDE ("Bodo Mueller")
  Re: newbie 98 Nt redhat 7.0 Triple BOOT, (C.H Hochsta) error (Mark Post)
  Asus CUBX-E, Please Advise... (Edward Westin)
  Pb Mount manuel avec mdk 7.1 et 7.2 ("Jeje")
  Re: LILO, scsi, DAC960 and IDE (John in SD)
  ELSA Airlancer PCI-11 (Gary Whitehead)
  RH7 install woes ("Simple Simon")


Date: 12 Nov 2000 6:34:23 -0500
From: "Gene Heskett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: mount/umount LS-120 floppydrive?
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc

Unrot13 this;

Gene Heskett sends Greetings to Michael Scholz;

This whole message is html encoded.  This is the usenet, please use
plaintext. Few, if any, will bother trying to read it in this format.

 MS> <!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
 MS> <html>

 MS> <blockquote TYPE=CITE>How can I find out where the automount is coming
 MS> from?
 MS> <br>Are there any more detailed logs where it can be seen which process
 MS> is
 MS> <br>logging these failures?
 MS> <p>But I doubt that there is an aoutomounter around because at first I
 MS> <br>tried reading the floppy after inserting it like in a DOS machine,
 MS> but
 MS> <br>it did not work. I had to find out the notion of "mounting" a
 MS> <br>floppydisk in order to see it (took a couple of days on Usenet before
 MS> <br>I had that information in...). So if there is an automounter around
 MS> it
 MS> <br>fails in its automounting effort....</blockquote>

 MS> <p><br>Hi!
 MS> <p>BTW, speaking in terms of local devices the automounter only tries to
 MS> mount
 MS> <br>CDROM-like media including original LS-120 disks. But I really doubt
 MS> that
 MS> <br>ordinary 1.44MB floppies will be mounted this way. At least I've
 MS> never seen
 MS> <br>that.
 MS> <p>Example:
 MS> <br>In a Solaris environment you have to issue explicitely the "check for
 MS> floppy"
 MS> <br>command within the filemanager to tell the system to access a floppy.
 MS> <br>however, is mounted automatically upon insertion of the media.
 MS> <p>Hint:
 MS> <br>You may access MS-DOS floppies easily if you got mtools installed.
 MS> Then
 MS> <br>you don't even need to mount something. But behold: this might be a
 MS> security
 MS> <br>hole...
 MS> <p>Okay, here comes the hard way:
 MS> <p>Try to figure if
 MS> <br>&nbsp;&nbsp; user@host>pss | grep automountd
 MS> <br>gives you something like that (it shows you that the automounter is
 MS> active):
 MS> <br>&nbsp;&nbsp; 0.0&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; root&nbsp;&nbsp;
 MS> 161&nbsp;&nbsp; Oct_19 /usr/lib/autofs/automountd -D NET=fe1 -D
 MS> OS=sosp7_64
 MS> <br>where pss is aliased to (simply to sort the output):
 MS> <br>&nbsp; /usr/bin/ps -ef -o pcpu,user,pid,stime,args | /usr/bin/tail
 MS> +2 | /usr/bin/sort
 MS> <br>or if you don't have ps (which shows the actual process list) in
 MS> /usr/bin or /usr/ucb
 MS> <br>just try a
 MS> <br>&nbsp; user@host>ps
 MS> <br>together with the options from the alias above. Depending on what
 MS> version of ps you
 MS> <br>have either
 MS> <br>&nbsp; user@host>ps -ef
 MS> <br>or
 MS> <br>&nbsp; user@host>ps -aux
 MS> <br>will work.
 MS> <br>This gives you the complete list of all more or less ;o) active
 MS> processes.
 MS> <br>Just do a
 MS> <br>&nbsp; user@host>su - root
 MS> <br>to gain root-access to the system and shut down the automount demon.
 MS> <br>Use the pid (process-ID) from ps-command issued previously together
 MS> <br>with
 MS> <br>&nbsp; user@host>kill -9 &lt;pid>
 MS> <br>where &lt;pid> is the process-ID of the automountd. If you are a
 MS> rather
 MS> <br>unexperienced Linux user be very careful what are you gonna kill. You
 MS> <br>may lock up your system risking data loss. So double-check the pid
 MS> of
 MS> <br>the process that's gonna be shot.
 MS> <p>Finally, this is not a "clean" solution. Try to find out if there's
 MS> a system
 MS> <br>configuration file that prevents the automount demon from being run
 MS> <br>when the system is started.
 MS> <pre><a href="mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]">Michael</a></pre>
 MS> &nbsp;</html>

Cheers, Gene
  Gene Heskett, CET, UHK       |Amiga A2k Zeus040, Linux @ 400mhz 
        email gene underscore heskett at iolinc dot net
#Amiga based X10 home automation program EZHome, see at:#
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never to be seen again.  Message will be summarily deleted without dl.
This messages reply content, but not any previously quoted material, is
© 2000 by Gene Heskett, all rights reserved.


From: "Galactica" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: SBLIVe  -  XFree4.01
Date: Sun, 12 Nov 2000 12:05:02 GMT

Does anyone know how is possible that my sblive platinum works perfectly in
console mode (linux Mandrake 7.2 and Mandrake 7.1 upgraded with XFree 4.01)
running, for exmple,  mpg123, and ABSOLUTELY stops warking after a startx or

Since the card works before entering XFree i don't thik is a matter of
drivers o kernel modules. I guess is a problem of XFree 4.01.

Under XFree 3.3.6 everythings goes plain and no problems are detected!!!!!

How can I make mySBlive Platinum sing with XFree 4.01??

System :

PIII 450
SBlive Platinum
GForce2 GTS


From: "jwilcox154" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Help with Dial-up in Redhat 7.0
Date: Sat, 11 Nov 2000 23:23:29 -0500

"bluster" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:qZGN5.583$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> jwilcox154 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Help, I am trying to use an External, Non USB Creative Modem Blaster
> > 56K,
> > and I am able to use debug on it with no problem, but, when I use the
> > applet RH PPP Dialer to connect to the internet, it won't even
> > access the modem.
> Hmm... I'm not sure what you mean by "won't access the modem",
> do you mean no-lights and no-sounds from the modem?
Just what I mean, It won't access it, I doubt it even initializes it, let
alone dial out.  Yet when I use debug in the Dialer, It's dials up the ISP
with no problem.

> > I tried ifup ppp0, and same thing, checked the /var/log/messages file,
> > got this
> >
> > "
> > Nov  6 09:50:35 localhost ifup-ppp: pppd started for ppp0 on /dev/ttyS0
> > 115200
> > Nov  6 09:50:35 localhost kernel: registered device ppp0
> > Nov  6 09:50:35 localhost pppd[835]: pppd 2.3.11 started by root, uid 0
> > Nov  6 09:50:35 localhost pppd[835]: Using interface ppp0
> > Nov  6 09:50:35 localhost pppd[835]: local  IP address
> > Nov  6 09:50:35 localhost pppd[835]: remote IP address"
> These are logs of a working ppp connection starting, (though the IP
> addr's are odd), are there any connect error logs from the chat or
> wvdial programs in /var/log/messages?  It looks like the link is
> working from these pppd log msgs, the, and
> IP address' are bad, (not allowed on the internet) but I assume you
> altered them for posting in public.
> Is the link in fact connected? For instance, can you ping the
> "remote IP address", or (  e.g.
> # ping -c 3
> PING from 111.222.333.444 : 56(84) bytes of data.
> 64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=30 time=222.1 ms
> 64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=30 time=190.1 ms
> 64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=30 time=204.1 ms
> --- ping statistics ---
> 3 packets transmitted, 3 packets received, 0% packet loss
> round-trip min/avg/max = 190.1/204.0/222.1 ms
> #
> Does the "ifconfig" (Interface config)
> command show the ppp connection? e.g.
> # ifconfig
> eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:00:00:DF:00:F5
>           inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
>           UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:1
>           RX packets:133565 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:14
>           TX packets:118673 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
>           collisions:6 txqueuelen:100
>           Interrupt:11 Base address:0xef80
> lo        Link encap:Local Loopback
>           inet addr:  Mask:
>           UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:3924  Metric:1
>           RX packets:195 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
>           TX packets:195 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
>           collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
> ppp0      Link encap:Point-to-Point Protocol
>           inet addr:  P-t-P:  Mask:
>           RX packets:111973 errors:2 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:2
>           TX packets:121525 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
>           collisions:0 txqueuelen:10
> #
> Is the ppp0 connection listed by the route command? e.g.
> # route
> Kernel IP routing table
> Destination    Gateway        Genmask         Flags Metric Iface
> zephyr.mynet   *     UH    0      eth0
> *     UH    0      ppp0
>    *       U     0      eth0
>      *           U     0      lo
> default         UG    0      ppp0
> #
> If those work then the ppp (internet) link is up.
> Bluster


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dick Visser)
Subject: Re: 80GB Maxtor and RH6.1
Date: 12 Nov 2000 12:49:19 GMT

On Wed, 08 Nov 2000 01:13:16 GMT, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>was wondering if anyone has tried installing those new Maxtor 80GB
>drives into their i386/linux box.  Ive got one, but it's only
>registering 4111 cylinders, so the most i can get out of it is about
>33021576 blocks, which is about 33.8GB.  hmm... whats wrong with this
>picture?  am i missing something?  what happened to the other
>40something GB?

Be sure to NOT have the capacity-limiting-jumper on the disk!!
check out the manual or website on which one it is.
I had the same problem: no matter what OS or system I put it into, no more
than 33,8 Gb. TUrned out that that jumper was set. When I removed it, I
saw all the space.


Dick Visser


From: Raymond Chan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Color Depth : Hercules Dynamite 3D/GL
Date: Sun, 12 Nov 2000 22:35:37 +0800

System Specs :     K6-200
                                Hercules Dynamite 3D/GL (8 MB)
                                Linux Kernel 2.2.13
                                KDE 1.1.2

I'm am unable to get a color depth of 32MB from my X-server.
Is there a limitation on X or KDE?
Has any one else experienced such problems?


From: "Peter T. Breuer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Looking  for Sound and Modem dirver on HP Pavillion 8521
Date: 12 Nov 2000 14:38:02 GMT

Anavel Gato <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
: For my sound and modem card,it is a Rockwell HCF 56k Modem and Riptide Audio
: Combo Card.

: Does anyone know where to get the driver for this card for linux.

There isn't one. Rockwell does not publish specs of its chips and has
not provided a driver for them.

(for the audio, I have no idea .. never heard of it. Look in the
kernel sources in the sound drivers directory for anything that
menytions it).



From: Mark Dickie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: CPU Temperature question
Date: Sun, 12 Nov 2000 15:42:21 +0000

DualIP wrote:

> On Fri, 10 Nov 2000 21:55:42 -0700, Vladimir Florinski
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >That's not the reason. The difference in CPU temperature between idle and
> >100% load cannot be that high (17 deg C).
> My P100 runs with just a huge heat sink , no fan.
> Booted to Linux it stays perfectly cool.
> Booted to DOS it becomes too hot to touch.
> Although my finger isn't the best thermal sensor , I guess the
> difference here is even more th 17deg.
> DualIP

I would have to agree with the above.  In Linux my thunderbird runs cold 
whereas in DOS/Windows it actually burns my hand when I touch it.  I'm 
thinking that maybe the system load is higher but I'm not clever enough yet 
to know for sure. 
Mark Dickie


From: "Garrett Kajmowicz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Video Capture drivers for Chronotel chipset
Date: Sun, 12 Nov 2000 15:46:06 GMT

I have an ASUS 3400-TNT-TV AGP graphics card which used the Chronotel
CH7003B-V chipset for video capture.  Does anybody know where I can get
drivers/software/something so as to be able to use the capture features
under X?  Thanks for all the support.

P.S.  I've tried Saw et al. to no avail.

Garrett Kajmowicz


Date: Sun, 12 Nov 2000 11:09:43 -0500
From: "Ernest N. Mamikonyan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: USB printer and RedHat 7.0

go to `/lib/modules/2.2.16-22/usb' and look around, do you see
`printer.o'. That's _probably_ it (I don't use USB), do `insmod printer'
as root. What does it say, if anything?

Good Luck!

Jack Kaufmann wrote:
> I just installed Red Hat 7.0.  When I tried to install my USB printer,
> Autodetection didn't find it, and left this message:
> "If you have a USB printer but it was not detected, make sure that the USB
> printer module has been inserted and is working."
> What is the USB printer module, and how do I insert it and/or make sure it
> is working?


From: Xavier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Plug and Play Linux
Date: Sun, 12 Nov 2000 11:32:15 -0500

Since no one has answered you so far I will... I'm about to order parts
on the web to build a cheap but powerfull computer so maybe I can give
you a few advices. Usually my experience is that most hardware
components are compatible as long as they are not the latest and cutting
edge technology. Video cards is the part you want to make sure it will
work and of all the linux boxedsI have installed problems always came
from non-supported graphics cards. Chips made by nvidia are well
supported under linux (TNT, TNT2, ...). You can check the redhat web
site support/hardware-compatiblity-list for video and sound. Here's an
example of a system I'm probably going to order from that
has 99% chances to be "plug and play":

-Motherboard Bundle : Duron 700 + mobo Epox 8KTA+                      $
-Memory : 128 MB
$   68
-Video :  DIAMOND VIPER V770 32MB AGP4X nVIDIA TNT 2         $   75
-Hard Drive: SEAGATE BARRACUDA 20.4GB 320420A UATA66
8.2MS                                                             $ 115
-Tower : IN-Win
$   59

ps- The mobo has a sound card on it which is probably not of very good
quality but if you don't play games and you don't like it I'd say just
get a 30$ soundblaster.

 That makes a total of $491 which is pretty reasonable for the powerfull
computer you get (I didn't include cdrom cause I already have a cd-rw
(add an extra 150 for a 10x), floppy caus'you can always seal it from an
old computer, and of course monitor...) . I don't play games but I like
my graphics to look good, smooth and crisp but of course the monitor is
probably the most important part of the computer (you look at it all day
long!) Anyway this email is getting long and the quality of my advices
not proportional to the length of the sentenses so I'll quit. Good luck
in building your system.


> Would someone be so kind as to recommend a current motherboard, video
> card, and sound card that once assembled one could just drop in Red
> Hat 7 and the components would be autodetected.  Is such a thing
> possible in Linux?  I am interested in the lower end for home use not
> necessarily SCSI and my use would not include that much gaming.  Has
> anyone built a system lately that works will and is similar to what I
> describe above?  Thank you for any help.


From: "Retro Grouch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.periphs.scsi
Subject: LILO, scsi, DAC960 and IDE
Date: Sun, 12 Nov 2000 11:04:15 +0500

I'm trying to get rid of the IDE drives in my system.  I have a Mylex DAC
960, with properly formatted drives.  The system is installed on the scsi

When I try to boot off the DAC960, I get LI and teh system hangs.  I can
boot off IDE, and everything goes fine.

I've built a new initrd, reran lilo, did everythign that I can find.  I
have teh correct lilo version (21) that supports the DAC960.

WHen I run lilo, I get a warning that /dev/rd/c0d0 is not the first drive.

I'm guessing that I need to use 


in lilo.conf.  For the life of me I can't figure out how to get the 0x8N
disk number from the bios.  I tried playing with this and got some
different crashes (01 repeated forever) with 0x85....

I need access to both the IDE controller and a second, non-bootable scsi
controller in the box.

Does anyone have a DAC960 that they boot from?  What hoops do I need to
jump through?




From: "Bodo Mueller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.periphs.scsi
Subject: Re: LILO, scsi, DAC960 and IDE
Date: Sun, 12 Nov 2000 18:10:06 +0100

"Retro Grouch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
> I'm trying to get rid of the IDE drives in my system.  I have a Mylex DAC
> 960, with properly formatted drives.  The system is installed on the scsi
> drives.
> When I try to boot off the DAC960, I get LI and teh system hangs.  I can
> boot off IDE, and everything goes fine.

I had similar problms with an DAC960PD and PG ( but with win 95, not Linux),
in both cases an firmwareupdate solved the problems ( I downgraded the PD to
the oldest 3.x version on the server, upgraded the PG to the most modern on
the server)

What DAC are you using?
what firmwareversion?
what mainboard?



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mark Post)
Crossposted-To: linux.redhat,linux.redhat.install
Subject: Re: newbie 98 Nt redhat 7.0 Triple BOOT, (C.H Hochsta) error
Date: Sun, 12 Nov 2000 17:20:29 GMT

On Sun, 12 Nov 2000 21:07:40 +1100, "Anavel Gato" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>I installed win 98 (fat16), and NT 4.0 in NTFS file system
>and when I install Red Hat 7.0. I custom installed LILO into first sector,
>instead of the MBR.

>Then I use bootpart to add entry to the ntboot loader.. (bootpart to my
>native partition where I installed LILO to)...

>The red hat entry is on the nt boot loader menu, but when I boot into linux
>, it say that linux can't boot from hard disk, and mention the C.H Hochstra
>(sorry if I spell it wrong) thing...

>then it ask for system (floppy) disk which I can boot into linux ..

>Does anyone know what's going wrong ? How do I fix it.. is it because I
>bootpart into the wrong partition...

I'm assuming the Win98 FAT16 partition is the primary active parition on
your C: drive, and the NTFS partition is in a different one.  The NT
installation _should_ have left some files in the C:\ root directory, among
them boot.ini.  What you will need to do is, boot into Linux using your boot
disk.  Mount your Win98 partition as a VFAT device on some mountpoint, say
/mnt.  Then, depending on which partition you installed LILO, do this:

dd if=/dev/hda? of=/mnt/bootsect.lin bs=512 count=1

Then, boot back into Windows (NT or Win98, it doesn't matter) and make sure
the following line is in boot.ini:

Note that on the 'dd' command, and in boot.ini, the filename must conform to
the old "8.3 format".  No long filenames or extensions.

Mark Post

Postmodern Consulting
Information Technology and Systems Management Consulting
To send me email, replace 'nospam' with 'home'.


From: Edward Westin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Asus CUBX-E, Please Advise...
Date: 12 Nov 2000 10:20:39 -0800

I am hoping to purchase the CUBX-E instead of the older P3B-F for dual
booting Linux and Windows.  My reasoning is that the 440BX chipset is
stable (more than i810) and I would like to have the faster chip
speeds for Windows.  I am concerned that the CUBX-E is designed for
ATA-100 hard drives but suppose it will scale back to 66 or even 33
for Linux if necessary (I don't think ATA-100 is supported for Linux
yet).  Is this assumption correct?  Also, are there any other issues
with this board?  Am I correct in choosing it as a successor to the
P3B-F?  Thank you for any input?


From: "Jeje" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,fr.comp.os.linux.configuration
Subject: Pb Mount manuel avec mdk 7.1 et 7.2
Date: 12 Nov 2000 17:15:04 GMT


Je n'arrive pas à monter mon cd-rom manuellement (l'install de la mdk 7.1 et
7.2 est semi automatique ), comment puis-je faire (ou la taper) ???



From: John in SD <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: LILO, scsi, DAC960 and IDE
Date: Sun, 12 Nov 2000 17:37:56 GMT

On Sun, 12 Nov 2000 11:04:15 +0500, "Retro Grouch"

>I'm trying to get rid of the IDE drives in my system.  I have a Mylex DAC
>960, with properly formatted drives.  The system is installed on the scsi
>When I try to boot off the DAC960, I get LI and teh system hangs.  I can
>boot off IDE, and everything goes fine.
>I've built a new initrd, reran lilo, did everythign that I can find.  I
>have teh correct lilo version (21) that supports the DAC960.
>WHen I run lilo, I get a warning that /dev/rd/c0d0 is not the first drive.
>I'm guessing that I need to use 
>in lilo.conf.  For the life of me I can't figure out how to get the 0x8N
>disk number from the bios.  I tried playing with this and got some
>different crashes (01 repeated forever) with 0x85....

With LILO 21.6, you could try:  "lilo -T bios"   ("lilo -T help" for more

More definitively, the 21.6 distribution of LILO comes with an option to make
a diagnostic floppy:  "make floppy".  Since this floppy runs in the actual
real-mode bootstrap environment, what it reports is definitive.

--John Coffman

>I need access to both the IDE controller and a second, non-bootable scsi
>controller in the box.
>Does anyone have a DAC960 that they boot from?  What hoops do I need to
>jump through?

LILO version 21.6 (04-Oct-2000) source at
patches at


From: Gary Whitehead <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: ELSA Airlancer PCI-11
Date: Sun, 12 Nov 2000 18:38:45 +0100


Does anyone have any experience with the above wireless network card and 
Linux (using a CUSL2 motherboard)?

I am pretty certain that the straight PCMCIA card works OK, (from the 
PCMCIA and wireless FAQ's), but what is not so clear is the status of the 
PCI - PCMCIA bridge supplied to use on a desktop. (The PCI-11 being the 
standard PCMCIA card supplied with the bridge).

If I hear of major problems, the other (more expensive) option is to buy 
their basestation instead of using the linux box as the router.


We can confirm that it will never happen again.
Many people were quite upset that there was a large
uncontrollable pig on board, especially those in the
first class cabin


From: "Simple Simon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.redhat,linux.redhat.install
Subject: RH7 install woes
Date: Sun, 12 Nov 2000 18:08:44 GMT


I've had this same issue on two different PC's. The install goes well until
it is copying the various packages I've chosen. It seems to copy for ~3 to 4
minutes and then just stops copying - never at the same point. The mouse
still moves and I can Ctl-Alt-F2 to get to a shell and navigate the CD fine
at this point.

If I do a TEXT install, it will get to the same point and then report a
SIGNAL 11 error. I'd suspect hardware, but these are two different PC's.

I've tried two different RH7 CD's downloaded from two different sites. I've
booted from the CD or from the floppy disk created from the image on the CD.
One CD is the first RH7, the second is the respin. As for hardware, I've
swapped CD drive, hard drives where devices are connected, removed RAM, etc.

The drive is partitioned as 4 gig of FAT 32 running Win2k Pro (hda1), 133
meg for swap (hda5) and the remaining for the root (hda2). Linux boot record
is on hda2. This has worked fine on other PC's.

The hardware:
- Gigabyte GA-7ZM mainboard (Via chipset) (onboar AC'97 audio) latest BIOS
- Duron 600 CPU (Not overclocked)
- 192 Meg PC-133 RAM
- ATI Expert 98 AGP 8meg video
- 24x CD - CR585-B, master on 2nd IDE
- Maxtor 6 Gig IDE drive, master on 1st IDE
- 300w ATX P/S
- LinkSys LNE100TX 10/100 NIC

- Abit BH6 mainboard, latest BIOS
- Celron 400 CPU (Not overclocked)
- 192 Meg PC-133 RAM (different chips than above)
- ATI Expert 98 AGP 8meg video (same card as 1st PC)
- 36x CD, master on 2nd IDE
- Samsung 3.4 gig, master on 1st IDE (same drive as 1st PC)
- 250w ATX P/S
- Network Everywhere 10/100 (Macrotronix chip) you can see, the only common components is the video card. I don't
have another one to try right now.

What am I doing wrong? Is there any way I can find out why the install is
stalled from the Ctl-Alt-F2 shell?




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