Linux-Hardware Digest #335, Volume #14           Mon, 12 Feb 01 19:13:06 EST

  Re: Simple fax program (Wolfgang Fritz)
  soundcard under debian! (Nicolas Bouche)
  Re: (OT?) UPS Daemon an tty0 stoert mein Modem! (Gunter Lindemann)
  Re: mount partition to a folder within file system? (John-Paul Stewart)
  Fasttrack 100 and MSI 694d sees only one ata disk (roel)
  Re: Simple fax program ("Christian T. Steigies")
  Re: OnStream SC50 with new driver (Trevor Hemsley)
  Re: Recommendations for ethernet cards and other hardware wanted... ("Dr. Ram 
  Help needed with a Hayes Accura PCI modem ("Peter Walker")
  Re: hard drive and DVD drive suggestions (Mike Castle)
  Re: (OT?) UPS Daemon an tty0 stoert mein Modem! (M. Buchenrieder)
  Re: cd-rom won't boot (mesc)
  Re: hdparm -t "reference values" (Tim Moore)
  Re: Help needed with a Hayes Accura PCI modem ("Peter T. Breuer")
  Newbie Question ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Help needed with a Hayes Accura PCI modem (Mikhail Pekour)
  Re: Newbie Question ("D. Stimits")
  Re: Newbie Question ("Peter T. Breuer")
  CD ROM problem (Alan Claunch)


From: Wolfgang Fritz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Simple fax program
Date: Mon, 12 Feb 2001 19:23:38 +0100

Eric Ho wrote:
> Hi,
> I am looking for a fax program that can simply send/receive faxes.
> I have looked at Hylafax, but it seems to be an overkill.
> Could someone suggest other packages that is EASY to configure
> and use ?
> I am running Slackware if that matters.
> Thanks a million.
> Best Regards,
> Eric Ho


I'm presently using Hylafax, but I tried the both the mgetty/sendfax and
the efax packages before. All work(ed) fine with my Rockwell based modem



Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc
Date: Mon, 12 Feb 2001 13:16:03 -0500
From: Nicolas Bouche <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: Nicolas Bouche <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: soundcard under debian!


I have a sounbcard -creative ensoniq PCI32- with the chip 1371. I am
running debian (no 'cause i like it, but because i have to) 2.2.17.
I was able to configure the kernel and i can listen to any mp3, or radios!
(with realplayer for instance). However, i can't record anything?!?
The mic is plugged in and has been tested! 

Here is the output of cat /dev/nsdstat:
Load type: Driver compiled into kernel
Kernel: Linux smurf 2.2.17 #8 Wed Jan 31 14:21:37 EST 2001 i686
Config options: 0

Installed drivers: 
Type 26: MPU-401 (UART)
Type 2: Sound Blaster
Type 29: Sound Blaster PnP
Type 7: SB MPU-401

Card config: 
(Sound Blaster at 0x220 irq 7 drq 1,5)
(SB MPU-401 at 0x330 irq 1 drq 0)

Audio devices:

Synth devices:

Midi devices:

0: System clock


Any clue?

Is it a hardware problem or software?




From: Gunter Lindemann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: (OT?) UPS Daemon an tty0 stoert mein Modem!
Date: Mon, 12 Feb 2001 19:25:00 +0100

Karl-Heinz Herrmann wrote:

> Gunter Lindemann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Bin ich hier OT?
> no, this is the english speaking one. (Follow up set).

Sorry for accidently posting here in german!
I'm setting up my Linux the first time an my intention
was to post to de.comp.os.unix.linux.hardware.

Sorry and good by!


From: John-Paul Stewart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: mount partition to a folder within file system?
Date: Mon, 12 Feb 2001 18:39:57 GMT

Joe Nelson wrote:
> Is it possible to add a single partition hard-drive to my system, then mount
> that partition somewhere deep in the filesystem? For example, I'd like to
> add a whole drive that holds nothing but the multimedia content of my
> website, but I'd like to mount it's partition under my webserver's root.  If
> I can do this, can someone point me to an article or something to show me
> how?
> Here's my system stats: RedHat 7.0 on an AMD Duron 650 with 128 megs of RAM,
> Apache for the webserver.
> If you're curious, check out what I've got at :-)
> Thanks!

Just to clarify my understanding of your question:  You want
to mount a partition someplace other than a directory within
/.  I.e.  you know you could mount it as, say, /new-hd, but
you're more interested in mounting in
/home/me/stuff/multimedia.  That's my understanding of your

The answer to it is yes.  Man mount for full details.  Man
fstab for instructions on making it happen at every boot. 
My fstab mounts one partition as /usr then another as
/usr/local and a third as /usr/src.  Remember, we're not in
DOS--partitions can go any place you like.

HTH, and if I can be of further assistance, post or e-mail.

J-P Stewart


From: roel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Fasttrack 100 and MSI 694d sees only one ata disk
Date: Mon, 12 Feb 2001 20:02:32 +0100


My new pc with MSI 694d and onboard firewire and Promise Fasttrack will
only see one  ata 100HD.
Compiled a new kernel 2.4test12 with support for the Promise controller.
Now it will only see the hde disk, tried in lilo
append="ide20xac00,0xb004 ide3=0xb400,0xb804" and during boot it sees
the hdg disk but with a time out error. Can see the hd in controlcenter
> information > partitions.
Tried in yast to partition the disks but yast says "the are no disks",
so yast won't even see hde. If I boot with the Promise kernel yast only
sees hde.How can I use both disks.

Does anyone knows an anwer

Many thanks



From: "Christian T. Steigies" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Simple fax program
Date: Mon, 12 Feb 2001 18:33:23 +0100

On 11 Feb 2001, Eric Ho wrote:

> I am looking for a fax program that can simply send/receive faxes.
> I have looked at Hylafax, but it seems to be an overkill.
> Could someone suggest other packages that is EASY to configure
> and use ?
> I am running Slackware if that matters.
Well... use debian or try:



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Trevor Hemsley)
Subject: Re: OnStream SC50 with new driver
Date: 12 Feb 2001 19:55:36 GMT

On Mon, 12 Feb 2001 15:25:10, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>         Feb 12 16:29:57 intraix kernel: osst0: Write (10240 bytes) not multiple
> of tape block size (32k).

Tried adding the -b switch to tar to make it write at 32KB? -b 64 

Trevor Hemsley, Brighton, UK.


From: "Dr. Ram Samudrala" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking,comp.os.linux.x
Subject: Re: Recommendations for ethernet cards and other hardware wanted...
Date: 12 Feb 2001 20:02:26 GMT

Just to follow up on my decisions regarding this. I decided on Hard
Drives Northwest ( as the vendor, based on the quotes I
was given and their general reputation from people who have used them
before (plus the fact that they are 10 minutes from me makes
replacement easier).

Essentially I get 2 GHz of processing power in one box with 512 MB of
RAM and 60 GB of disk space for under $1500. 

For those who care, here's what I got, with the prices. I'll report on
the performance as soon as I have it all setup.



32 fp:

  19.00 - assembly and testing
 564.00 - cpu (1 GHz PIII - 282.00 * 2 w/cooling fan)
 285.00 - dual processor motherboard (supermicro 370 dle)
  65.00 - small case + powersupply (middle tower w/ 300w)
 230.00 - memory (micron 256mb, 168-pin, pc133, reg, ecc - 115.0 * 2)
  11.00 - floppy drive
  41.00 - cdrom drive (asus cd-s500 50x)
  33.00 - cheap video card (ati 3d charger 4mb pci)
  96.00 - system disk (20 GB maxtor ata/66 5400 rpm)
 146.00 - disk 1 (40 GB maxtor udma/100 7200 rpm)

1 sp: fp +

 146.00 - disk 2 (40 GB maxtor udma/100 7200 rpm)
  89.00 - big case + powersupply (full tower w/ 300w)

4 desktops: sp +

 146.00 - system disk (40 GB maxtor udma/100 7200 rpm)
 569.00 - dual processor motherboard with agp (supermicro 370 dl6)
 230.00 - memory (micron 256mb, 168-pin, pc133, reg, ecc - 115.0 * 2)
 275.00 - cdrw/cdr/dvd drive (ricoh mediamaster)
 299.00 - good video card (asus geforce2 gts 64 mb)
 179.00 - soundcard (creative labs soundblaster live platinum)
  25.00 - keyboard
  31.00 - optical mouse (microsoft intellimouse explorer)



From: "Peter Walker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Help needed with a Hayes Accura PCI modem
Date: Mon, 12 Feb 2001 20:03:25 -0000

Before anyone say's it, I know!
I actually phoned Hayes technical support and asked them if this modem was
compatible with Linux and they said that it was and that they would email me
some instructions on how to set it up, which they did.

However, after following the instructions it does not work.  Under windows
the modem installs on com port 3 with an irq of 17 and i/o port ecd8-ecdf
but under Linux Red Hat v7.0 it installs as irq 17 with i/o port ecd8.

Hayes instructions suggest to make sure the com ports in the BIOS have real
address (i.e. 3f8 and 2f8) and then do the following command
setserial /dev/ttySx uart 16550A port 0xecd8 irq 17 (where x is the serial
port that it is connected to) and then use minicom to test it.  I used ttyS2
and then tried ttyS3.  The i/o and irq were discovered in the /proc/pci just
as they said they would be.

So my questions are
1) should I disable my com ports in the BIOS (I don't use them for
2) how do I know that the modem has installed on com3?
3) do I need to enable any special settings in the kernel and recompile it?
4) am I supposed to use the Lucent win modem that I have heard off and if so

Any other help would be greatly appreciated.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mike Castle)
Subject: Re: hard drive and DVD drive suggestions
Date: Mon, 12 Feb 2001 13:03:57 -0800

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Sean LeBlanc  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Why the 18G drives from those companies?
>Western Digital Caviar 45Gig is about $150 shipped...are WD
>Caviars not that reliable? I'd like to know, cuz I already have
>one in one Linux box, and was thinking of buying another...

Do some reading on  Also, find one of the linux-kernel
archives, and search it for western digital caviar.

You'll soon decide to back up your data, buy a harddrive that works, and
start using that as a doorstop now, before you're forced to.


       Mike Castle       Life is like a clock:  You can work constantly
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  and be right all the time, or not work at all and be right at least twice a day.  -- mrc
    We are all of us living in the shadow of Manhattan.  -- Watchmen


Crossposted-To: de.comp.os.unix.linux.misc
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (M. Buchenrieder)
Subject: Re: (OT?) UPS Daemon an tty0 stoert mein Modem!
Date: Mon, 12 Feb 2001 14:33:03 GMT

[Xpost and Fup2 set]

Gunter Lindemann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>Hallo Gruppe!


>Bin ich hier OT?


>Ich kann mein Modem nicht am 1. seriellen Anschluß (tty0) betreiben,
>denn sobald beim Booten die Meldung "UPS Daemon started on tty0",
>oder so ähnlich, erscheint (steht komischerweise nicht in 
>/var/log/boot.msg), wird das Modem irgendwie belegt und kann
>nicht mehr über das Terminal (oder wie auch immer) angesprochen
>werden, geschweige denn eine Internet-Verbindung aufgebaut werden.

Wie auch, wenn der UPS daemon bereits den Port belegt hat?

>Beim Herunterfahren des Rechners blinkt sogar die TxD-Lampe.

Oh Grauen.

>Betreibe ich das Modem an tty1 ist alles ok, aber wozu habe ich dann
>zwei serielle Ports?

Damit Du Dein Modem am zweiten Port betreiben kannst ?

Oh Kopfschmerz.

>Kann ich die erste serielle Schnittstelle überhaupt nicht verwenden?


Hirnbeiss. Wirf den UPS daemon aus den Startskripts raus. Oder
lass das Modem an ttyS1 . 
Und dann liess das Handbuch Deiner Distribution, sowie ein bis
10 Buecher ueber UN*X Deiner Wahl. Begeben Sie sich zu Gehen Sie nicht ueber Los.
Ziehen Sie keine 4 TDM ein.

Michael Buchenrieder * [EMAIL PROTECTED] *
          Lumber Cartel Unit #456 (TINLC) & Official Netscum
    Note: If you want me to send you email, don't munge your address.


From: mesc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: cd-rom won't boot
Date: Mon, 12 Feb 2001 21:27:52 GMT

Josh Stern wrote:

> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, mesc  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >A few days ago I burned a debian ISO to disk and I tested it to see if
> >it would boot up after I was done,it booted up just fine and started the
> >install program.Now  2 days  later when I'm ready to install it won't
> >boot.The cd-rom is still set to boot in the bios.I was going to make a
> >boot floppy then but the disk didn't have the boot.img or rescue.img on
> >it.Might I have a corrupt iso and even then why would it boot once?
> >Anyone else ever come across this?
> What else (hardware and software) did you change since you
> booted the cdrom before?
> -= Josh

That's just it I haven't added any new hardware or software since  it
worked.I did mess with the bios a bit but the cd-rom is still set to boot.I
don't know what else might effect it in  the bios



From: Tim Moore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: hdparm -t "reference values"
Date: Mon, 12 Feb 2001 21:45:54 GMT

> buffer-cache reads [124.27, 136.17, 124.27] Mb/sec
> buffered disk reads [35.56, 35.75, 35.96] Mb/sec
> weird exact match between 1st and 3rd runs on cache-reads...
> on Promise ATA100 PCi card:
> cache reads [136.17, 124.27, 137.63] Mb/sec
> disk reads [35.56, 35.36, 35.96] Mb/sec
> 124.27 is obviously a popular number..

The cache reads are from main memory and have no direct correlation to
disk I/O.

>From Abit KA7 running 140MHz FSB:
 Timing buffer-cache reads:   128 MB in  0.77 seconds =166.23 MB/sec

>From Asus P3B-F running 75MHz FSB:
 Timing buffer-cache reads:   128 MB in  1.21 seconds =105.79 MB/sec



From: "Peter T. Breuer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Help needed with a Hayes Accura PCI modem
Date: Mon, 12 Feb 2001 23:22:37 +0100

Peter Walker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I actually phoned Hayes technical support and asked them if this modem was
> compatible with Linux and they said that it was and that they would email me
> some instructions on how to set it up, which they did.

Well done.

> However, after following the instructions it does not work.  Under windows
> the modem installs on com port 3 with an irq of 17 and i/o port ecd8-ecdf
> but under Linux Red Hat v7.0 it installs as irq 17 with i/o port ecd8.

Those look to me exactly the same! Why do you say "but"?

> Hayes instructions suggest to make sure the com ports in the BIOS have real
> address (i.e. 3f8 and 2f8) and then do the following command

Good idea. That'll keep them out of the way.

> setserial /dev/ttySx uart 16550A port 0xecd8 irq 17 (where x is the serial

Good idea. How come you have 17 IRQs, btw? Is this a dual machine?

> port that it is connected to) and then use minicom to test it.  I used ttyS2
> and then tried ttyS3.  The i/o and irq were discovered in the /proc/pci just
> as they said they would be.

Discovered? What do you mean? Nothing should change. You're just
telling the kernel where to poke the bits.

What was the result of your test with minicom? You did set minicom up,
right? What happens when you just do the old

   tail -f /dev/ttyS2 &
   echo ATZ > /dev/ttyS2


> 1) should I disable my com ports in the BIOS (I don't use them for
> anything)?

You can. But hayes idea of keeping them  well out the way was a good

> 2) how do I know that the modem has installed on com3?

What do you mean? If the modem is in your pci slot, then it is

> 3) do I need to enable any special settings in the kernel and recompile it?

You need a serial driver at least .. and one that can talk to a weird
io address like that.

> 4) am I supposed to use the Lucent win modem [driver] that I have heard off and if so
> how?

Why? Is it a lucent winmodem that you have? I would have thought hayes
would have told you, if so! Check what it says in /proc/pci.


> Any other help would be greatly appreciated.
> thanks,
> Pep

Peter T. Breuer                   MA CASM PhD. Ing., Asoc. Prof. 
Area de Ingenieria Telematica     E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dpto. Ingenieria                  Tel: +34 91 624 91 80
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid  Fax: +34 91 624 94 30/65
Butarque 15, E-28911 Leganes      URL:


Subject: Newbie Question
Date: Mon, 12 Feb 2001 22:20:37 GMT

I recently made the switch to linux Slackware 7 and I have Had no end
of troubles......

I am now trying to get my modem to work it is a Supra 56k pci PnP
(#2260 )  device ID# 0x080D4

I have attempted to check out the winmodem problem on
webpage that everyone says to try most times it is down the one time i
managed to get it there were like 12 modems on it and I couldn't find
mine or am I looking in the wrong place??

anyway I called supra (now 3com/diamond) and they say it is NOT
software based but that they cannot/willnot help me

my modem is set to com 3 in win95 when i use lspci -v i find a
rockwell modem (i dunno) but it doesn't tell me what  "port" it  uses
(so I assume it doesn't use one) though the other devices there all
have 1 (or more my vga uses like 5) if i need to set the "port" haw do
I do that and how do i find out *what* to set it to I read somewhere
that this is equivalent to win95's i/o addy which is 03E8-03EF but I
also read that the # must be only 4 digits then again the other
"ports" are in 0x0?? format (I think I have to be in windoze to hit
the net til I get this solved) 

This modem and I have gone around in WinDoze the only way i was able
to install was to attempt to install onan existing port and 1/2 way
through the @$% thing is detected and makes a second copy on a
non-existant port that one works while the "original" entry (the one I
manually set-up didn't

I have been looking through online docs since I can't find the ones I
installed (I told you I was new)
and getting nowhere any help would be appreciated

I am familiar with old DOS commands and win95 junk but LINUX is brand
new to me (I have the Linux for Dummies book)

system info 

cpu intel pentium 233

64 megs ram (4 megs shared to the vga (thats what my Cmos (BIOS??)
says but i
think linux is only using 1)

1 gb hard drive w/ only slackware on it (i use win95 to access the
'net but i unplug that hdd to use linux) 

i know what my machine has but am unfamiliar w/ linux commands esp.
troubleshooting commands so if you need more info PLEASE tell me how
to get it

thanx for any help and I promise to endure all flames for posting a
problem that I'm sure y'all have solved a million times before

e-mail addy is fake I plan on getting one set-up real soon now...


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mikhail Pekour)
Subject: Re: Help needed with a Hayes Accura PCI modem
Date: 12 Feb 2001 23:36:46 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Peter T. Breuer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
|> Peter Walker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
|> > setserial /dev/ttySx uart 16550A port 0xecd8 irq 17 (where x is the serial
|> Good idea. How come you have 17 IRQs, btw? Is this a dual machine?

I think one thing is missing here:

# ln -s /dev/ttySx /dev/modem



Date: Mon, 12 Feb 2001 16:42:35 -0700
From: "D. Stimits" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Newbie Question

A partial answer that might get you started.

> I recently made the switch to linux Slackware 7 and I have Had no end
> of troubles......
> I am now trying to get my modem to work it is a Supra 56k pci PnP
> (#2260 )  device ID# 0x080D4

All PCI devices are plug-n-play, but unlike ISA, they have their own
form of a BIOS, so the system can more easily configure them. Set your
motherboard BIOS (during bootup) to be "not pnp aware" to tell the bios
to try to do as much setup as it can. Whether your win95 settings are
correct or not will depend on what has been assigned where...they might
work, or something else might have been assigned by the time your modem
is set up.

> I have attempted to check out the winmodem problem on
> www.o2.????gromitc????
> webpage that everyone says to try most times it is down the one time i
> managed to get it there were like 12 modems on it and I couldn't find
> mine or am I looking in the wrong place??
> anyway I called supra (now 3com/diamond) and they say it is NOT
> software based but that they cannot/willnot help me

If it is hardware based, and some PCI are (I have one), you have the
above mentioned hardware setup of PCI devices before you can get it to
work. But those are not winmodem issues, and a hardware based modem
should work fine; your issues are pci issues.

> my modem is set to com 3 in win95 when i use lspci -v i find a
> rockwell modem (i dunno) but it doesn't tell me what  "port" it  uses
> (so I assume it doesn't use one) though the other devices there all
> have 1 (or more my vga uses like 5) if i need to set the "port" haw do
> I do that and how do i find out *what* to set it to I read somewhere
> that this is equivalent to win95's i/o addy which is 03E8-03EF but I
> also read that the # must be only 4 digits then again the other
> "ports" are in 0x0?? format (I think I have to be in windoze to hit
> the net til I get this solved)

You are dealing with hexadecimal address ranges. You'll only refer to
the base of the range, so 03E8-03EF should be considered for setup 03E8.
For most purposes in your setup, use the 0x notation. E.G., 0x03e8. Try
setserial to put the port to the values of the modem, or setpci to set
the modem to port. A sample setserial:
setserial -v /dev/ttyS2 uart 16550A port 0x03e8 irq 5 spd_normal
(ttyS2 is equivalent to com3, ttyS0 to com1).

You might find hints in /proc/pci for values, or from setserial -a on
individual serial ports ttyS0 through ttyS3.

> This modem and I have gone around in WinDoze the only way i was able
> to install was to attempt to install onan existing port and 1/2 way
> through the @$% thing is detected and makes a second copy on a
> non-existant port that one works while the "original" entry (the one I
> manually set-up didn't

PCI devices lose their settings each reboot. The win version of settings
are only applicable if coincidence is lucky.

> I have been looking through online docs since I can't find the ones I
> installed (I told you I was new)
> and getting nowhere any help would be appreciated
> I am familiar with old DOS commands and win95 junk but LINUX is brand
> new to me (I have the Linux for Dummies book)
> system info
> cpu intel pentium 233
> 64 megs ram (4 megs shared to the vga (thats what my Cmos (BIOS??)
> says but i
> think linux is only using 1)
> 1 gb hard drive w/ only slackware on it (i use win95 to access the
> 'net but i unplug that hdd to use linux)
> i know what my machine has but am unfamiliar w/ linux commands esp.
> troubleshooting commands so if you need more info PLEASE tell me how
> to get it

To see lspci -v and not lose the output:
lspci -v | less

To view /proc/pci easily:
less -r -M < /proc/pci

See also "man setpci".

> thanx for any help and I promise to endure all flames for posting a
> problem that I'm sure y'all have solved a million times before
> e-mail addy is fake I plan on getting one set-up real soon now...

The rest is probably perseverence of reading and trying things.


From: "Peter T. Breuer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Newbie Question
Date: Tue, 13 Feb 2001 00:28:51 +0100

> I am now trying to get my modem to work it is a Supra 56k pci PnP
> (#2260 )  device ID# 0x080D4

Isn't this a winmodem?

> I have attempted to check out the winmodem problem on
> www.o2.????gromitc????
> webpage that everyone says to try most times it is down the one time i

It was up earlier today when I checked!

> managed to get it there were like 12 modems on it and I couldn't find

Eh? There are all the major modems covered.

> mine or am I looking in the wrong place??

Only you can tell us.

> anyway I called supra (now 3com/diamond) and they say it is NOT
> software based but that they cannot/willnot help me

Good. So look at the ///proc/pci and confirm what the chip is, tehn
follow the guides on gromit's page.

> my modem is set to com 3 in win95 when i use lspci -v i find a
> rockwell modem (i dunno) but it doesn't tell me what  "port" it  uses

Rockwell! So you need one of the two rockwell/connexant drivers that
have recently become avaialble. They're on the page.



From: Alan Claunch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: CD ROM problem
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Date: Mon, 12 Feb 2001 19:07:00 -0500

I'm running SuSE 7.0 with KDE2 and kernel 2.4.0. I have a Matshita DVD and 
a Ricoh 7040A CD-R/RW. Both are ATAPI and when the kernel is compiled for 
IDE  CDROM support, both will play CDs and are readable/mountable. However, 
CD writing requires SCSI emulation and the only way I have been able to 
implement that is by not compiling in IDE CDROM support in the kernel and 
enabling SCSI emulation. Now my drives are seen as SCSI devices, they will 
configure under XCDRoast (haven't gotten to burning a CD yet) but I cannot 
get CDs to play using kscd. The player just sits there and none of the 
controls work. Do I need a different player or is something else wrong with 
the configuration?

                                        Alan Claunch



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End of Linux-Hardware Digest

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