Linux-Hardware Digest #336, Volume #14           Tue, 13 Feb 01 00:13:06 EST

  Re: TV-out for Geforce2 in XFree 4.02...? (Jim Broughton)
  Re: AD 1885 AC97 codec set-up ("lobotomy")
  Re: CD ROM problem (H.Bruijn)
  Re: mounting udf discs as nonroot (Hajoma)
  Re: Plug and Play, BIOS, and Linux (ds1436)
  Install hangs computer (Marc Ulrich)
  Update: Install hangs computer (Marc Ulrich)
  Re: Fasttrack 100 and MSI 694d sees only one ata disk ("Will")
  Re: soundcard under debian! (Nicolas Bouche)
  Re: Newbie Question ("Dave")
  Video Problem
  Re: Turning off dialtone check (How?) (Max Blanco)
  Re: Update: Install hangs computer ("D. Stimits")


From: Jim Broughton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: TV-out for Geforce2 in XFree 4.02...?
Date: Tue, 13 Feb 2001 00:27:12 GMT

Tor Arne Bratli wrote:

> Hi,
> has anybody here succeeded in getting functional TV-out for a
> Geforce2-based card in XFree 4.02?? I've installed the latest Nvidia
> drivers (0.9.6) and have searched everywhere (newsgroups, websites etc.)
> I could think of for a hint on how to enable TV-out, to no avail :(
> I assume there is the possibility of just setting the screen to 800x600
> at 50Hz, and see what happens (in case TV-out is automatically enabled
> at the right sync-frequency), but I'm no expert at calculating modelines
> for XFree, so I'm kinda lost on that one ... If you know the right
> modeline for a PAL 50Hz TV, *please* give it to me, and I'll be forever
> grateful(!).
> With the exception of the "missing TV-out feature", I would say the
> purchase is a definite success: I got the card (Geforce2 Pro from
> CardExpert) yesterday and installed it last evening (I'm still sitting
> here when it's past 04:00 in the morning), and everything (including
> 3d-support) is now installed and working perfectly - I even got OMS from
> Livid to compile and could view my "Matrix" DVD with just about no
> framedrop in 1024x768 fullscreen: Awesome! If only those Hollywood guys
> would realize that giving people like me access to a DVD-player in my
> preferred OS makes us more likely to buy movies ... Well, maybe
> someday...
> Any help with solving the above mentioned "problem" would be
> appreciated!
> Best regards,
> Tor Arne
> --
> Tor Arne Bratli
> Developer  -- programming games on my spare time, business programming
> in "real life" :)

 The problem with TV out and the nvidia drivers is that TV out is an additional
option supplied by your video card vendor and all software written to take
advantage of it is also writen by said vendor with hooks into the nvidia driver
supplied by nvidia for windows versions. These hooks are not availble in the 
linux drivers (or not documented or just plain not there). So if you want to 
use tv out under linux your just flat out of luck. 

Jim Broughton
(The AmigaOS now there was an OS!)
If Sense were common everyone would have it!


From: "lobotomy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: AD 1885 AC97 codec set-up
Date: Tue, 13 Feb 2001 00:44:54 GMT

You are getting that error because you don't have sound support in the
kernel.  Although alsa does replace the kernel sound drivers, you still
need to have sound support compiled into your kernel (but with all of the
low level drivers disabled).

Alsa does support that codec (according to their site).  Just load the
module for your motherboard chipset, either via686a or intel8x0.  IIRC
the kernel also supports them, if alsa doesn't work for you.  

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Esther Klabbers"

> I've recently installed SuSE Linux 6.4 on my new PC (Dell Optiplex
> GX115). However, the sound card is not detected automatically.
> 'alsaconf' does not recognize it either. The
> audio controller is: Analog Devices AD1885 AC97 Codec
> Does anyone know how to set it up? 
> I have tried downloading the new alsa drivers from
> but when compiling them I get the error: 
> sound_oss.c:27: #error "Enable the OSS soundcore multiplexer
> (CONFIG_SOUND) in the kernel."
> make[1]: *** [sound_oss.o] Error 1 make[1]: Leaving directory
> `/home/eklabber/alsa-driver-0.5.10b/kernel' make: *** [compile] Error 1 

PC Chips actually goes by many names. PCChips = Ability = Alton = Amptron = 
Aristo = Asia Gate = Asiatech = Assa = Atrend = Elpina = Eurone = Fugu = 
Fugutech = Hi Sing = Houston = Hsing Tech = H Tech = Matsonic = Minstaple = 
PCWare = Pine = Protac = QDI = Warpspeed


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (H.Bruijn)
Subject: Re: CD ROM problem
Date: 13 Feb 2001 01:04:11 GMT

On Mon, 12 Feb 2001 19:07:00 -0500, Alan Claunch allegedly wrote:
>I'm running SuSE 7.0 with KDE2 and kernel 2.4.0. I have a Matshita DVD and 
>a Ricoh 7040A CD-R/RW. Both are ATAPI and when the kernel is compiled for 
>IDE  CDROM support, both will play CDs and are readable/mountable. However, 
>CD writing requires SCSI emulation and the only way I have been able to 
>implement that is by not compiling in IDE CDROM support in the kernel and 
>enabling SCSI emulation. Now my drives are seen as SCSI devices, they will 
>configure under XCDRoast (haven't gotten to burning a CD yet) but I cannot 
>get CDs to play using kscd. The player just sits there and none of the 
>controls work. Do I need a different player or is something else wrong with 
>the configuration?

Most cd-player use the symbolic link /dev/cdrom to locate the cd-player.
Now that you are using the scsi-ide driver you need to change the link
from /dev/hdc to /dev/scd0 or whatever is the correct device.
        rm /dev/cdrom
        ln -s /dev/scd0 /dev/cdrom
Good luck.
If a trainstation is the place where trains stop, what is a workstation?
Herman Bruijn                            mail:          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The Netherlands                       website:


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Hajoma)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: mounting udf discs as nonroot
Date: 13 Feb 2001 01:12:50 GMT

On Mon, 12 Feb 2001 12:50:14 -0500, Gregory Davis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Gregory Davis wrote:
> > When I run "mount /dev/cdrom1 /burner -t udf" I get an error message
> > saying only root has permission to do that.

> /dev/cdrom1     /burner       auto    ro,noauto,user,exec   0 0

The problem is the -t on the command line. You shouldn't need that now
fstab is set up right, but mount won't let anyone but root specify a
filesystem type. Try "mount /burner".

Harry Mason

Version: 3.12
GCS d- s+:++(+)>+: a--- C+++@ UL+++>++++ P+++>++++ L+++>++++ E--- W+(-)
N++ o+ K++ w--@ O? M? V? PS+ PE- Y+ PGP- t+ 5? X- R+>++ !tv b+++
DI+ D+>++++$ G+++ e(*)>++++ h>++ !r y


From: ds1436 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Plug and Play, BIOS, and Linux
Date: Tue, 13 Feb 2001 01:37:28 GMT

The quick answer is, try it and find out. You may be worrying about nothing. If
you can disable PnP on your cards through either jumpers or setup utility, then
do that. Also, some BIOS's will say things like "Resources controlled by:
auto/manual" where selecting manual allows you to specify resources by slot or
slot type. I'd say just try installing, and then focus on any specific hardware
problems that arise.

A more relevant problem may be, which version of Mandrake are you using, and how
much ram does your computer have? Mandrake 7.2 needs lots of ram for it's
default setup with Gnome/KDE and X4.0 (like 48MB+). If you have less than that,
consider installing one of the other window managers.

benh wrote:

> I want to install Mandrake on an old Dell Optiplex GL5133. According to the
> instructions, I'm supposed to
> disable plug n play (PnP) OS support so that the BIOS is forced to
> handle PnP. However, there's no option to do this in the BIOS SETUP program
> (it's
> Phoenix 1.10 if that's any help).
> Does this mean I don't have to worry about it, or that I need to disable PnP
> manually for each device before installing, or that I need to find a less
> ancient machine?
> In other words, if I just go ahead and install Linux, will it be able to
> detect any of the hardware?
>     Thanks in advance,
>     Ben


From: Marc Ulrich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Install hangs computer
Date: Mon, 12 Feb 2001 15:25:02 -0500

I have a new computer that will not install linux RedHat 7.0. Here's the

When the boot (from CDRom) reaches the spot: "PCI: probing PCI
hardware", the system freezes. Not even Crtl-Alt-Del to shutdown &
reboot will work. I tried using the expert mode because it said that
will bypass the PCI autoprobing. It does exactly the same thing.

Here's what I think the problem is: The harddrive is using a Promise
Ultra100 harddrive controller (so that the HDD can use ATA100 instead of
ATA66 which is the max available via the motherboard). I would try just
attaching the harddrive to the motherboard controller, install linux &
then put it back on the Promise controller except that the PCI probing
is done everytime linux boots. 

Can anyone help me out?


From: Marc Ulrich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Update: Install hangs computer
Date: Mon, 12 Feb 2001 15:32:22 -0500

Nope, it isn't the PCI hardware causing the trouble. I've removed all
PCI cards, and put the HDD on the Motherboard's IDE controller. The only
expansion card in the system is a Matrox G400 AGP video card. 

Does anyone know what causes this?

Marc Ulrich wrote:
> I have a new computer that will not install linux RedHat 7.0. Here's the
> deal:
> When the boot (from CDRom) reaches the spot: "PCI: probing PCI
> hardware", the system freezes. Not even Crtl-Alt-Del to shutdown &
> reboot will work. I tried using the expert mode because it said that
> will bypass the PCI autoprobing. It does exactly the same thing.
> Here's what I think the problem is: The harddrive is using a Promise
> Ultra100 harddrive controller (so that the HDD can use ATA100 instead of
> ATA66 which is the max available via the motherboard). I would try just
> attaching the harddrive to the motherboard controller, install linux &
> then put it back on the Promise controller except that the PCI probing
> is done everytime linux boots.
> Can anyone help me out?
> Thanks,
> Marc


From: "Will" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Fasttrack 100 and MSI 694d sees only one ata disk
Date: Mon, 12 Feb 2001 19:53:12 -0600

Are you sure there is support for the FastTrack RAID controllers?  You might
just have support for the Ultra100 IDE controller compiled, in which case
you would see one of your two drives, but not be able to do anything with
it, as it is on my box which has a FastTrack66.  The FastTrack controllers
are similar to their non-raid counterparts, but as far as I know have no
linux support yet, other than the RedHat drivers @  If I am
just out of touch, forgive me.

"roel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Hello
> My new pc with MSI 694d and onboard firewire and Promise Fasttrack will
> only see one  ata 100HD.
> Compiled a new kernel 2.4test12 with support for the Promise controller.
> Now it will only see the hde disk, tried in lilo
> append="ide20xac00,0xb004 ide3=0xb400,0xb804" and during boot it sees
> the hdg disk but with a time out error. Can see the hd in controlcenter
> > information > partitions.
> Tried in yast to partition the disks but yast says "the are no disks",
> so yast won't even see hde. If I boot with the Promise kernel yast only
> sees hde.How can I use both disks.
> Does anyone knows an anwer
> Many thanks
> Roel


Date: Mon, 12 Feb 2001 21:17:57 -0500
From: Nicolas Bouche <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: Nicolas Bouche <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: soundcard under debian!

Well, I had the es1371 enable before, so i removed the SB driver, and
recompiled the kernel and ...

nothing has changed. I can still listen, but not record anything using dd
ant cat to listen. (as i dont have any good other software to record
sound). I just get white noise.

here is the cat /dev/sndstat again:

root@smurf% cat /dev/sndstat 
Load type: Driver compiled into kernel
Kernel: Linux smurf 2.2.17 #9 Mon Feb 12 20:47:11 EST 2001 i686
Config options: 0

Installed drivers: 

Card config: 

Audio devices:

Synth devices:

Midi devices:

0: System clock

note the dmesg around the sound initialization:

pty: 256 Unix98 ptys configured
es1371: version v0.22 time 20:48:53 Feb 12 2001
es1371: found chip, vendor id 0x1274 device id 0x1371 revision 0x06
es1371: found es1371 rev 6 at io 0xa800 irq 5
es1371: features: joystick 0x0
es1371: codec vendor TRA (0x545241) revision 3 (0x03)
es1371: codec features none
es1371: stereo enhancement: no 3D stereo enhancement
Sound initialization started
Sound initialization complete
PIIX4: IDE controller on PCI bus 00 dev 21
PIIX4: not 100% native mode: will probe irqs later
    ide0: BM-DMA at 0xb800-0xb807, BIOS settings: hda:DMA, hdb:pio
    ide1: BM-DMA at 0xb808-0xb80f, BIOS settings: hdc:DMA, hdd:pio


Hope this helps.

many thanks,


On Mon, 12 Feb 2001, Jeff East wrote:

>       I have a PCI128, with 1370 chipset, and it works fine with the
> es1370 driver.
> ] I have a sounbcard -creative ensoniq PCI32- with the chip 1371. I am
> ] Card config: 
> ] (Sound Blaster at 0x220 irq 7 drq 1,5)
> ] (SB MPU-401 at 0x330 irq 1 drq 0)
>       Well, I'm surprised you got it working that far; maybe you got the
> card to emulate an older card?
>       What you want is to remove that 'sb' driver, and instead compile
> the "es1371" driver.  If you use "make menuconfig" for your 2.2.17 kernel,
> look on the page for "Sound", and you want the 7th line down.  I can tell
> you're not using the es1371 driver because then you'd get an error with
> "cat /dev/sndstat", which is normal for that driver.
> __________________________________________________________________________
> "If there's nothing wrong with me, then there ~ must be something wrong
> with the universe."  - Beverly Crusher


From: "Dave" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Newbie Question
Date: Tue, 13 Feb 2001 02:55:07 GMT

"Peter T. Breuer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
To peter

Is this all you do? Try to find posts and then tell people their hardware is
bogus. Your name pops up all over the place yet I rarely see you actually
offer any advice other than "You have a winmodem" or "Go buy an external
modem" or "You cant do that it is impossible" or as a last resort you post
some smart ass comment. If you arent going to help why waste everyones time?


Subject: Video Problem
Date: Tue, 13 Feb 2001 03:30:04 -0000

I just installed Caldera edesktop 2.4 using the "Lizard" installation. I 
had to use the VESA setting in order to get the screen to work problem. I 
installed it just fine, and I was able to load into the KDE desktop. When 
I restarted, my screen displays all these wierd screens and then the 
monitor goes onto standby. I know that the computer works, just not the 

My system is:

Celeron 300a
SiS chipset
SiS 6326 8mb video card
Windows 98
Openlinux edesktop 2.4



Posted via CNET


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Max Blanco)
Subject: Re: Turning off dialtone check (How?)
Date: Tue, 13 Feb 2001 03:45:46 GMT

"Neil Watson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>I'm using mandrake 7.2 and a standard external modem. How do you turn off
>the check for a dial tone before dialing? I can't find an option for it
>anywhere and I have a strange dail tone on my phone line which it doesn't

the key is in the initstring.
change "x4" to "x3" like:
atq0s2=43x4 ---> atq0s2=43x3


Date: Mon, 12 Feb 2001 20:27:36 -0800

Are you still having the 'modem busy' message with a PCI modem that is not a

If so, I may have the answer for you and it took me a month of investigation
to figure it out (with help from people in newgroups).

I had to upgrade my kernel version, add a patch for the UDMA66 controller and
upgrade the serial drivers to get rid of the PCI IRQ conflict.

What kernel version are you using?

David Fisher wrote:

> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, David Fisher
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Bob Martin
> > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > > Dave wrote:
> > > >
> > >
> > > [snip]
> > >
> > > If it is the WinCOMM it is a winmodem, the ISA communicator works
> > > fine. Don't use the cua devices they are obsolete, use the ttyS
> > > devices instead. All that is telling you is that 16550a serial
> > > controller was found, not a modem. That is most likely your
> > > onboard serial port. I dont' think the out put of lspci is showing
> > > a modem. The jaton is an ISA modem and their vendor id is 1B13,
> > > you find PCI info here ...
> > What is the vendor id?
> I meant device id.
> >
> > I dont know hardware very well, so I will do my best to describe it to
> > you. According to my friend the pci cards have 'breaks' between the
> > connectors, and the isa cards are continuous. Therefore, I think I have
> > an isa card. As far as what kind of bus I put it in, I dont know. I just
> > know where the modem was in the window machine, and I put the new modem
> > in the same place: The second slot from the top. I assume you read my
> > post: MODEM....Are you telling me to use the command:
> > setserial /dev/cua0 irq 9 port 0xfedffc00 autoconfig and substitute
> > ttys0 for cua0? I know this is asking alot, but lets assume I havent
> > done anything yet. Could you instruct me from the beginning on what I
> > need to do? Assume I know nothing, if I need to know something, tell me
> > how to find the info I need. I would very much appreciate that.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Dave


Date: Mon, 12 Feb 2001 21:56:05 -0700
From: "D. Stimits" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Update: Install hangs computer

Marc Ulrich wrote:
> Nope, it isn't the PCI hardware causing the trouble. I've removed all
> PCI cards, and put the HDD on the Motherboard's IDE controller. The only
> expansion card in the system is a Matrox G400 AGP video card.
> Does anyone know what causes this?
> Marc
> Marc Ulrich wrote:
> >
> > I have a new computer that will not install linux RedHat 7.0. Here's the
> > deal:
> >
> > When the boot (from CDRom) reaches the spot: "PCI: probing PCI
> > hardware", the system freezes. Not even Crtl-Alt-Del to shutdown &
> > reboot will work. I tried using the expert mode because it said that
> > will bypass the PCI autoprobing. It does exactly the same thing.
> >
> > Here's what I think the problem is: The harddrive is using a Promise
> > Ultra100 harddrive controller (so that the HDD can use ATA100 instead of
> > ATA66 which is the max available via the motherboard). I would try just
> > attaching the harddrive to the motherboard controller, install linux &
> > then put it back on the Promise controller except that the PCI probing
> > is done everytime linux boots.
> >
> > Can anyone help me out?
> > Thanks,
> > Marc

Try text mode. There is a reasonably strong chance the graphics mode
will find conflicts easier than text mode will.



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