Linux-Hardware Digest #423, Volume #14            Thu, 1 Mar 01 20:13:04 EST

  [Job] Linux Device Driver Developer ("Eaglewolf")
  Re: Harddisk performance ("Gavin Conway")
  Re: Illegal.............................please  ("dan.warren")
  Re: Harddisk performance ("Walter Leu")
  Installing RH 7.0 on a new ATA100 based system - help! ("" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>)
  Re: Harddisk performance ("Bolly Olly")
  Re: Best RAID controller for Linux (Vincent Fox)
  Re: Sound card blues: Resource ALWAYS busy ("Winston Smith")
  Re: Help! hde lilo bios=0x80 and hang at "LI" ("Mathias Rodenstein")
  Re: Linux partitioning question ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Internal modem ("T A R T")
  Strange CDRW problem ("David W. Grumbine")
  Difference between IDE and ATAPI (Vladimir Florinski)
  KT7A, what to worry about (David Lesher)
  Signal / Asynchronous Notifiacation from Device Driver ("Ajit Sodhi")
  beep(good), then (boop) bad ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Linux partitioning question ("Greg H.")
  Is the PCI bus going away? (jtnews)


From: "Eaglewolf" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.embedded,comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: [Job] Linux Device Driver Developer
Date: Thu, 01 Mar 2001 21:15:59 GMT

Inter*Link is currently for someone experienced with developing Linux Device
Drivers. Our client is a SmartCard Developer in Florida. This is a contract
to direct position, or a contract only position depending on the candidate.
Please contact me for further details.

If you know someone who is interested in a new career opportunity please let
me know and you could be eligible for our Candidate/Client Referral Bonus.

Thanks for your time,
Chris Baker
Executive Search Consultant
Inter*Link Technology Solutions, Inc.
4606 South Clyde Morris Blvd., Suite 2-D
Daytona Beach, Florida  32119
TOLL FREE 800-713-9207 EXT 204
TEL/904.322.5440 EXT 204
IM# cpb meb


From: "Gavin Conway" <gd_conway@[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Harddisk performance
Date: Thu, 1 Mar 2001 21:33:48 -0000

if that's vague for you then you're reading the wrong newsgroups. try.

"Snarf" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:sStn6.295954$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> Man, it don't get any better.  Spam, HTML format, and a purposesly vague
> troll message.
> Dave
> Jerry Wong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> news:97lnos$ljp$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> I want to install two harddisks in one IDE which supports ATA100. If one
> the harddisk is ATA100 and the other is ATA33, will the former one work
> slower than that it should be due to the latter one?
> --
> (In Chinese Big 5)
> (In English)


From: "dan.warren" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Illegal.............................please 
Date: Thu, 01 Mar 2001 21:44:16 +0000

DOH! been there, done that. I now have it set to run script.

the  btinternet linux FAQ has some good info. The advantages of not
relying on X to connect to the net are emmense.

Michael Duxbury wrote:

> I am in more serious trouble than that..... I am trying to configure BT
> Internet in my kppp!!!!!!!!!!
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> news:3a9a4c3d$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> > Dare you take your computer to be fixed.?
> >
> > Watch out you, are YOU being checked..............
> >
> > Have you viewed illegal pictures
> >
> > You're in Serious Trouble - It's a Proven Fact!
> >
> > Deleting "Internet Cache and History" will NOT protect you
> > because any of the Web Pages, Pictures, Movies, Videos, Sounds,
> > E-mail, Chat Logs and Everything Else you see or do could easily be
> recovered
> >
> > This is the answer...................
> >
> > dupknugyrwlzqcdonyffypllwnyideirthxbmb
> >


From: "Walter Leu" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Harddisk performance
Date: Thu, 1 Mar 2001 22:07:48 -0000

Dear Mr Conway
I too am in the wrong newsgroup. The one you suggested seemed ideal. But you
are just teasing you scallywag - there's no such group. Ah well, I'll just
have to make the best of it in Mr Holzman's group.
Yours ever
Mr Olly
"Gavin Conway" <gd_conway@[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:97mf6j$5vs$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> if that's vague for you then you're reading the wrong newsgroups. try.
> alt.idiotsguidto.computers
> "Snarf" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> news:sStn6.295954$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> > Man, it don't get any better.  Spam, HTML format, and a purposesly vague
> > troll message.
> > Dave
> >
> > Jerry Wong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > news:97lnos$ljp$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> > I want to install two harddisks in one IDE which supports ATA100. If one
> of
> > the harddisk is ATA100 and the other is ATA33, will the former one work
> > slower than that it should be due to the latter one?
> >
> > --
> >
> > (In Chinese Big 5)
> >
> >
> > (In English)
> >
> >


From: "<qstuff>" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: linux.redhat.install
Subject: Installing RH 7.0 on a new ATA100 based system - help!
Date: Thu, 01 Mar 2001 22:07:27 GMT

Help I am trying to get RH on my new system an Abit KT7A-RAID mother
board with an HPT370 UltraDMA/100  controller,  the only the HD in the
system is installed as the master on IDE2 (2 and 3 are the ATA100

I have looked at /usr/src/linux/Documentation/ide.txt but I am not
sure how to get the redhat installer to see the drive, do I enter:

ide2=0x1e8,0x3ee at the boot prompt ( as ide.txt seems to imply) or is
there something else I have to do?

Right now once I select the class of install (Workstation/server/....)
I receive an error message to the effect that there are no 'valid'
devices to install on.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.



From: "Bolly Olly" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Harddisk performance
Date: Thu, 1 Mar 2001 22:17:36 -0000

Oh my God. Now Carey knows my real name is Walter my internet days are at an
end. I've downloaded Brian Biggs' tiny firewall. But I fear it will be a
piece of piss for CH to jump through and nuke me.
Olly Bolly
"Walter Leu" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:97mgts$924$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> Dear Mr Conway
> I too am in the wrong newsgroup. The one you suggested seemed ideal. But
> are just teasing you scallywag - there's no such group. Ah well, I'll just
> have to make the best of it in Mr Holzman's group.
> Yours ever
> Mr Olly
> "Gavin Conway" <gd_conway@[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> news:97mf6j$5vs$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> > if that's vague for you then you're reading the wrong newsgroups. try.
> > alt.idiotsguidto.computers
> >
> >
> > "Snarf" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > news:sStn6.295954$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> > > Man, it don't get any better.  Spam, HTML format, and a purposesly
> > > troll message.
> > > Dave
> > >
> > > Jerry Wong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > > news:97lnos$ljp$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> > > I want to install two harddisks in one IDE which supports ATA100. If
> > of
> > > the harddisk is ATA100 and the other is ATA33, will the former one
> > > slower than that it should be due to the latter one?
> > >
> > > --
> > >
> > > (In Chinese Big 5)
> > >
> > >
> > > (In English)
> > >
> > >
> >
> >


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Vincent Fox)
Subject: Re: Best RAID controller for Linux
Date: 1 Mar 2001 22:53:47 GMT

In <97kpkj$ki3$[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:


>We are struggling to get a 3ware 6400 to work properly. Three IBM 75GXP
>drives in raid5 configuration. The kernel keeps spitting out errors about
>DMA buffers being low (with 512mb ram?!) and then locks up with scsi
>timeouts. When it doesnt lockup, we get read speeds of 4mbyte/sec and
>write speeds of 5mbyte/sec.


Ummm, dunno about your problems, I am only running a 2-port.

However, in reading the reviews on they
were of the opinion the RAID 5 stuff was bolted on at the last
minute to be competitive, and didn't seem so great. Your experiences
would seem to along with this.

My experience with the plain old mirroring stuff is it works great.
A set of 4 drives in a RAID 10 setup would be the ideal IMHO.

        "Who needs horror movies when we have Microsoft"?
         -- Christine Comaford, PC Week, 27/9/95


From: "Winston Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Sound card blues: Resource ALWAYS busy
Date: Thu, 01 Mar 2001 23:52:58 +0100


I'm a mandrake 7.2 user and I also have the same message each time I try
to configure my sound card :

/lib/modules/2.2.17-21mdk/alsa/snd-card-emu10k1.o: Device or resource
/lib/modules/2.2.17-21mdk/alsa/snd-card-emu10k1.o: insmod
 /lib/modules/2.2.17-21mdk/alsa/snd-card-emu10k1.o failed
/lib/modules/2.2.17-21mdk/alsa/snd-card-emu10k1.o: insmod sound-slot-0

I have a sound blaster live! platinum card. I tried to compile the driver sources but it didn't changed anything.
The only think I know is that when I was using windows 98, I noticed I had too
many cards using too many IRQs and I had to disable the sound
blaster 16 compatibility in order to have my scsi card and my sound card
to work simultanously. After I had no more problems with IRQs. This
may be the solution with linux but I don't know how to do that.


From: "Mathias Rodenstein" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Help! hde lilo bios=0x80 and hang at "LI"
Date: Fri, 2 Mar 2001 00:07:12 +0100

go for the old ide0 variation. i think lilo doesn't like not to be on hda
(mbr) least that is what i experienced (would appreciate some comments
about this) can boot any partition and system from there

regards, M


Subject: Re: Linux partitioning question
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,comp.os.linux.misc
Date: Thu, 01 Mar 2001 23:20:36 GMT

In comp.os.linux.hardware Doug Lutterloh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
: Why do I want to guess how much I will need for /home and /usr when
: I can just lump them together in one big partition and use all my
: space as efficiently as possible.

I would reccomend at least splitting /home off - if you have to reinstall
the system for some reason, it is nice to not have to lose your /home crap.

           SEX           DRUGS           UNIX


Subject: Re: Internal modem
Date: Fri, 2 Mar 2001 12:35:23 +1300

Benjamin Gonay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> I'm using  a Multi_Tech MT5634ZPX-PCI,  working as a beast...  :-)

Thanks for the help guys- we settled for a dynalink internal ISA modem- cheap,
and it works under Mandrake 7.1.


From: "David W. Grumbine" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Strange CDRW problem
Date: Thu, 01 Mar 2001 23:41:42 GMT

I got a SCSI Yamaha 8824 CDRW for a Linux system.
It's on an Alpha box with RedHat Linux 6.2.  Anyway,
the drive works fine to read CD's and play audio CD's.
It also *seems* to write CD's ok.  In other words,
there are no errors given while it writes.  

But here is the problem.  When trying to read the
newly written CD, there are *always* small bunches of
byte-level errors seperated by between 1Mb to 3Mb of
correct information.  Then, whatever file these errors
happen to occur in has problems.  (For example, if it's
in a gzip'ed file, there are errors upon trying to
unzip it.)

I'm using cdrecord and tried several of the later versions.
I've tried writing at 2x and 4x speeds (even 1x, though
cdrecord changes it to 2x).  I've tried CDRW's and CDR's.
I've tried different options to cdrecord, Joliet filesystems
(with mkisofs), different CD-ROM writing techniques, I even
tried slowing down the SCSI sync rate from 40MHz to 20MHz
and different FIFO sizes from 8Mb all the way to none at all.
Same types of problems with every CD I burn.  

The really weird thing is that the errors only occur in odd
numbered bytes.  I've been writing a CDRW and then using
cmp to compare the CD to the iso9660 filesystem written
to the CD.  For example,

to write the CDRW:
straylight:~$ cdrecord -v speed=4 dev=3,0 blank=fast wincd

then I do this to check and get the following type of

straylight:/u2/cdrw$ cmp -l wincd /dev/scd0
3312861 103 143
3313343 106 306
6075289 221   1
6075291  77 277
6075303  55 275
6075305 140 100
6075323 167 367
6075361 333 233
6075365 374 334
6075373 353  53
6075375 115 335
6075379  63 263
6075381 170 150

This continues to the end of the CD with the groups of differences
occuring every 1 to 3 Mb.

Any clues?  Yamaha won't talk to me.  Not a Windoz system...
The SCSI controller also runs the HD that has the root
partition and another partition.  I've tried having the
file to write on a drive connected to the same SCSI controller
as well as on an IDE drive.  Same problem...


From: Vladimir Florinski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Difference between IDE and ATAPI
Date: Thu, 01 Mar 2001 17:01:50 -0700

Can someone explain what's the difference between the two protocols? I know
that, for example, ATAPI supports some extra ioctls (close the tray, eject,
etc.) However, there are IDE devices that need these two (such as ORB drives),
but the calls are not provided by the kernel. So, what would it take to make
'eject' work on IDE devices (and magicdev have them mounted automatically)?



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (David Lesher)
Crossposted-To: alt.comp.periphs.mainboard,alt.comp.periphs.mainboard.abit
Subject: KT7A, what to worry about
Date: 1 Mar 2001 19:19:40 -0500
Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (David Lesher)

I'm considering a Abit KT7A for my next Linux box. It has many things
to like, some things to not like [No ECC!], and yet other things to
worry about. It's the last that prompts this query. I'm no bleeding-edge
overclocker; I may well buy a Duron CPU, at least at first. I treasure

My worries so far:

a) My drives will be IBM 75GXP ATA-100's. I've heard reports that
some folks have problems/many errors with this.

b) I have an Acer CRW1032A CDRW, and read a report that with this
MB, you can't run UDMA mode or you'll just make coasters.  I can't
see why you'd buy a fast system just to run it slow mode. (Or
is such controllable per individual EIDE device?)

c) There are USB problems.

Anyone here care to comment on these issues, or other issues
seen with such a hardware mix?

A host is a host from coast to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
& no one will talk to a host that's close........[v].(301) 56-LINUX
Unless the host (that isn't close).........................pob 1433
is busy, hung or dead....................................20915-1433


From: "Ajit Sodhi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Signal / Asynchronous Notifiacation from Device Driver
Date: Fri, 02 Mar 2001 00:48:25 GMT

Hi All,

I'm writing a PCI Bridge device driver for Intel 21554. I need to inform
user process (send an event) whenever an interrupt status is changed ( which
I receive in the IRQ Handler of my driver).

I was hoping that user can register a signal handler for a certain signal
(SIGIO maybe) and I raise the signal from my IRQ handler. This is my
theoritical solution. Please share your opinion on this appraoch. If it
makes sense, then could someone please provide some info on how to implement




Subject: beep(good), then (boop) bad
Date: 2 Mar 2001 00:45:24 GMT

I stick my Xircom pcmcia ethernet in my thinkpad 760el running mandrake 7.2 
and I get a high beep followed by a low beep.  "cardctl ident 0" returns 
the appropriate name of the card, and I can't find any error messages in 
the log files.  What the heck should I do now?  This is my first unix/linux 
experience and I am quite clueless.  I leafed through the whole "pcmcia 
howto" and It's basically over my head.  The answer may be there, but if it 
is, I don't understand it.  Should I just try installing the latest version 
of the Pcmcia card manager available at sourceforge?

Thanks for any pointers.


From: "Greg H." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux partitioning question
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,comp.os.linux.misc
Date: Fri, 02 Mar 2001 01:06:07 GMT

In comp.os.linux.setup Peter T. Breuer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> not talking about servers and multi-user (as in humans, not daemons and other
>> processes) systems; I'm concentrating on Joe Linux.

> Oh, puhleez. The average person is not as dumb as the man on the
> clapham omnibus. I hope.

Then here's where we (or I) stop, I suppose.  We both have different
perspectives on what's important given the role of the machine.

Just make note that I do agree with what you've been saying.  It's just
that I think it's more than needed in _some_ situations.  Some posters seem
to be getting the impression that I've thrown the HOWTO's (and ideal) out
the window when I have not.

>> Phew!  Have I gone completely OT on this thread or what?  I hope I didn't make
>> the poster who started this thread regret it :-)

> His request for an abortion licence was turned down.

Heh :-)



From: jtnews <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Is the PCI bus going away?
Date: Fri, 02 Mar 2001 01:04:34 GMT

Is the PCI bus going away?

I just bought 4 brand new computers
this year, how long before I'm going
to have to trash my brand new computers
and buy new ones?

Why can't Intel just extend PCI and make
a faster version instead of coming up
with something else that's totally incompatible?

Can AMD make PCI faster so we all don't have to upgrade?



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End of Linux-Hardware Digest

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