Hi All

Cant we put a filter that cant sense happy99.exe attached that will deny the
mail from the list and will replay to the author with the proper link what to
do to remove it

"Stanislav Malyshev a.k.a Frodo" wrote:

> VV>> No idea.  And I don't think that sending a DOS virus to a Linux
> VV>> list is a proper way to distribute viruses.
> Tell this to happy99.exe, it would listen :)
> VV>> To all who want this list to stay open: here we go again.
> I don't get it. How making list closed would prevent getting viruses from
> list subscribers (I'm sure he's a subscriber or will be). The only way not
> to get a virus is to enforce proper security practices, restricting list
> access has nothing to do with it.
> --
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]      \/  There shall be counsels taken
> Stanislav Malyshev      /\  Stronger than Morgul-spells
> phone +972-3-9316425    /\              JRRT LotR.
> http://sharat.co.il/frodo/      whois:!SM8333

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