Quoting Oded Arbel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Why Ira's messages contained all the suncscribers e-mails in the to: header
> ?
> that defeat the entire purpose of not having the email's of subscribers
> exposeed. if I'm not mistaken...
Well, I think that the reason is more aesthetic, since the archives contain
the email addresses of all the posters (I was amazed to find some
long-forgotten mails I sent to mailing lists that I don't even think that exist
any more...).

The interesting thing is that (I think that) Ira is the only poster that has 
that "feature".

> sides - I was under the impression that Linux-IL had more subscribers...
> :-<
Same here. I just copied the names and fed them to a script that just echos
$#argv and it turned out to be 100 people. We can at least find comfort in the
fact that this is a nice round number (It seems too round to be the actual

Liran Zvibel.                            | " You know, how is The Force 
System Programmer, System Administrator. |   like duct tape? Answer:       
email : [EMAIL PROTECTED]              |   it has a light side, a dark
phone : 972 - 3 - 6493939                |   side, and it holds the
home  : http://www.math.tau.ac.il/~liranz|   universe together. "
UIN: 708004 ; WHOIS : LZ615              |             -- Larry Wall 

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