> if I were gonna make a concious buy today, and wanted the latest in video
> power, I would buy one of the ATI Rage-128GL cards (Magnum I think one of
> them is called, I don't remember the other one's name). thet sport 32MB of
> RAM, OpenGL in hardware, performance just above and un-over-clocked TNT, and
> they should have drivers for linux in the near future. in the mean time I
> guess it's backward compatible with one of the Rage drivers in XFree86.

I remember reading (In tomshardware, IIRC) that the Rage 128 cards heat to
something close to 100 degrees. The ATI people said that the cards can handle
that temperature, but I'm not sure about the rest of my cards, my motherboard
and the CPU. Does anybody know whether they fixed that heating problem?

Liran Zvibel.                            | " You know, how is The Force 
System Programmer, System Administrator. |   like duct tape? Answer:       
email : [EMAIL PROTECTED]              |   it has a light side, a dark
phone : 972 - 3 - 6493939                |   side, and it holds the
home  : http://www.math.tau.ac.il/~liranz|   universe together. "
UIN: 708004 ; WHOIS : LZ615              |             -- Larry Wall 

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