Before you go to vote for politics, vote for Linux!

If you want an English-Hebrew-Engish translation for Linux (native!
not Wine/VMWare/DOSEmu/Twine/FreeMWare/SoftWindows/MainWin/etc.),
browse to the following HTML form:

You know what to do...

If you can't read the Hebrew letters (blame me...), it asks you if
you are interested in Linux or MAC port. The first input field is for
your first name, the second is for your family name, the third is for
your e-mail address (important!), and then you have to select one of
the following: Macintosh, Linux, Other. I am not concerned you will
confuse the selections, since the names of the operating systems are
in English.

Eli Marmor
 *   ___ _  __ ___  __    _ |__ _ _    [EMAIL PROTECTED]      *
  *     | | | \   | | \    |  / |\/     El-Mar Software Ltd.    *
   *    | | | _)  | | _)     /  | \      Tel.: 972-50-237338     *
    *    ___________________________      Fax: 972-9-766-1314     *
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