As Ilya Konstantinov pointed it, this is nothing new.  The purpose, imo,
of the WinLinux distribution is it's ease of installation.  For the time
being, one of the scariest things that a new wannabee Linux user run's
into first is the Installation.

Correct, they could install one of the other distributions that do the
same thing as WinLinux (coincide with windows) but they must overcome the
hurdle of grabbing the howto or readme and actually READING and
understanding it.  It's a big turnoff when someone hears that they have
to read 20+ pages to install, and may have to read it three times to
really understand it.  "Oh but wait, there is more". After you get the
basic installation you have a few more tutorials and documents to read to
setup your modem, sound card and any special devices. All this for $40
and no Jinsu knife included. Tell a new wannabee user this and the task
if installing will jump to the bottom of their To-Do's list.  

For many, I imagine everyone on this list, this is not a problem because
most enjoy details.  But for my mother or even friends that think linux
*groovy* WinLinux is a great introduction without the head ache.

So, my over inflated .2c would be:  
This software is not for everyone.  Not for the people that already know
their way around Linux.  WinLinux is for the computer users that find
Linux interesting and want see what it *feels* like before investing
their time into it.  Also for the users that aren't interested in
learning details or investing time but want to use Linux on their system.

IMHO, ease of installation is at least 50% of the key to the desktop

I've seen allot of people bashing WinLinux-like distributions but such
software is a necessity for the linux community to grow.  The WinLinux
should send home a important message: Use any existing resources that you
can find to make the installation easier ".".

Stay proprotary...
- Nathan Fain
  ICQ: 453638

Mike ALmogy wrote:
> Any Request for Comments ?
> Mike
> --
> ================================
> Michael Almogy.
> System Administrator
> Mofet Institute.
> Cel : 972-052-562237
> Tel : 972-03-6901415
> Fax : 972-03-6901414
> ================================
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