On Sat, 13 Nov 1999, Ilya Konstantinov wrote:

> Don't know about Wine. I'm new to it too, (had to get it to run Napster)
> but about TrueType, RedHat's xfs server is actually xfstt, little hacked
> to make it "more secure" (they removed the ability to serve fonts via
> TCP/IP - only Unix sockets). So just edit /etc/X11/fs/config and add
> your TTF directory. Of course you gotta generate the fonts.dir in the
> TTF directory but I assume you did it already.
close, but no ice cream.
xfs is a "hacked" version of xfsft (notice the difference ;-) which is all
fine and dandy, but doesnot support iso8859-8 encoding, nor windows-1255
(or, if it does - it doesnot do so automaticly, and I failed to find where
it says how to enable it , in the docs), so it is usless to use it with
hebrew truetypes. 
sides - using xfstt I don't need to make fonts.dir or fonts.scale files  -
xfstt handles new fonts automagicly .

> In fact, RH6.1 X server itself was compiled with TTF support, so you can
> just insert the FontPath to it in /etc/X11/XF86Config.
Never heard of it before, I'll try - but I doubt if I'll get the right
encodings that I need , that way.

> If after restart, you get the fonts disappeared, could be your font
> server dies for some reason, 
no , checked that - both xfs and xfstt are up and running, but for some
reason , only xfs (which uses the wierd port -1) is supplying fonts.


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