I'd like to thank all the helpers again on the last event, and to inform
you of the next one. I have reserved Class 4 (a bit smaller, I hope we
all fit in :-) for Friday Jan 7th at 11:00. after a round of
introductions and exchanging Y2K survival horror stories (if any) we
will have a lecture about the open() system call, along with "live"
dissection of its sources in the Linux kernel, it may be of some
interest to students taking the course on OS design no doubt, as it
takes you through a journey of the filesystem, memory management,
devices and other sections of the Linux kernel code.

After a round of enthusiastic responses, I am even considering making it
a bi-weekly meeting each month, some lectures for Linux/unix newbies to
intermediates about products, languages and environments, and the other
more for code hackers and programmers like the above. contact me for
more info or to sugest lecture ideas you would like to have featured, or
would like to volunteer yourself to talk about.

everybody: pass this around ofcourse among friends, so we can have an
idea of the type of audience we will have in future lectures.

Vadik: if you can, please open another mailing list for
linux-il-announce so people not on the list will still be informed of
events (no need to be a Linux-il member to come and enjoy the talks!)

write me back to:

--------   [EMAIL PROTECTED] ----------- (not my regular address!)

to tell me you will show up (we need to know if there are more than 35
people coming, so we can arrange a bigger room in time) and also drop me
1-2 lines about what you would like to see in those meetings in the
future, so we can better tune them to the audience!

Thanks, and have a happy New Year!

Ira Abramov       Linux enthusiast and Tshirt collector  
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