Quoth Noam Meltzer on Sun, Apr 30, 2000:
> I know how to do
> much more sophisticated stuff, but I got stuck on this,

You can do sophisticated stuff without knowing how to redirect?
Ah.  Right.  You also write awk scripts without knowing anything
about pipes or redirection.  You often use sed, perl, grep, wc,
tail, and other text processing tools for shell scripting without
using characters <>| or reading man pages.

Now please:

1. Shut up.

> --------------ms2CD689B9701CE3CEFD170CC3
> Content-Type: application/x-pkcs7-signature; name="smime.p7s"

2. Stop sending these signatures.  If you must sign your
   messages, use PGP, its signatures are much smaller.

Sincerely yours,

Do not meddle in the affairs of troff, for it is subtle and quick
to anger.

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