On Mon, 1 May 2000, Felix Shvaiger wrote:

> 1) My e-mail address have been changed by local administrator.
> 2) I CAN read mail from my old address, but I CAN NOT sed mail from it.
> 3) I am subscribed to this list from OLD address
> 4) I have subscribed to this list from NEW address
> 5) I CAN NOT UNSUBSCRIBE from this list from OLD address (since 2)
> Q: What I have to do ?

Fake mail from your old address, by:
  * Using Netscape Mail, etc. user configurable mail client to send mail 
    (after configuring your address to be the old one)
  * Using telent your.mailhost.address 25
    and typing:
    RCPT TO: <target@address>
    the message body


--------- if you cut here, you'll probably destroy your monitor ----------
This message was sent by Alon Altman ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) ICQ:1366540
The RIGHT way to contact me is by e-mail. I am otherwise nonexistent :)

To unsubscribe, send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with
the word "unsubscribe" in the message body, e.g., run the command
echo unsubscribe | mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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