On Thu, 4 May 2000, Meidad Ben-Yochanan wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'm representing InterBit Training and Consulting company, the most professional
> training company in Israel. Among other activities, our company offers great
> Linux courses, in both morning and evening paths. I'd be happy to send more
> details as a reply to your mail.

question: are offered linux services from ISRAELI companies to be
forwarded like job offers or dismissed as spam?

don't want to open a thread of more than 10 posts. please answer only if
you have truely strong feelings about the subject with sound reasoning.

Ira Abramov ; Penguinophile ; www.linux.org.il 
"The move was on to 'Free the Lizard'"
  -- Jim Hamerly and Tom Paquin (Open Sources, 1999 O'Reilly and Associates)

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