On Tue, 16 May 2000, Eli Marmor wrote:

> Hi,
> It's completely off-topic, but I didn't find any other forum to ask
> it:
> I have some old files which a printing press once designed for me
> (logos, and such stuff) in Corel-Draw (its format is called "CDR").
> Since then, I didn't find any way to convert them to useful format.
> My final target is TTF (each logo will be a "letter" in a font that
> currently has some logos and signatures of me). My font editor can
> import EPS files (Encapsulated PostScript), so I'll love to have
> these files in EPS, but I'll be grateful even if you can convert
> them to another useful format.

Well, Corel-Draw can save its files as EPS. Whether there is an automated
(i.e: command-line based) method of doing this is another question to
which I have no answer.


        Shlomi Fish
> Thanks in advance and sorry for the irrelevance,
> -- 
> Eli Marmor
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