On Wed, 17 May 2000, N Sakthivel wrote:

> Hai,
>       I have installed RedHat Linux 6.1 in my machine. It has g77
> compiler. But I want to have fort77 compiler also in the same machine.
> fort77 does not come in RedHat 6.1. So what I have done is
> 1. I used the RedHat 5.2 CDROM and using RPM i have installed the g2c
> modules and fort77 modules.
> 2. Now I am getting the fort77 script in /usr/bin directory and the man
> pages also.
> 3. I made a 4 line program to check it out. It compiles without showing
> any error.
> 4. If I execite the executable, I am getting
>       segmentation fault (core dump)
> The Question is:
> ?1. Can I install fort77 from RedHat 5.2 in already installed RedHat 6.1
> machine? Is there any common (name) library files both for fort77 (version
> 5.2) and g77 (version 6.1).

Using rpmfind (actually - the web browser interface). Have a look at:

(for another package: substitute "fort77" with that package name)

As you can see it appears, among others, in RedHat PowerTools 6.2 .

Generally RH's PowerTools are official packages, that were left out of the
installation CD because there was not enough room. If you have RH6.2 you
should first try to use packages from RH6.2 or RH PowerTools 6.2 .

Chances are that it also is part of PowerTools for 6.1, and that the 6.1
powertools simply don't appear in that reposiroty. Try any (complete) RH

> ?2. If so how do I install fort77 in RedHat 6.1? Can any one say the way
> to do the same.
> ?3 Is there any URL for details.

If you can't find any using a web search (a 2-minutes search yealded
nothing for me) you can try downloading the source rpm for that package
(again - from a full RH mirror) and looking at the spec for this package.
It usually states where the source is taken from.
> ?4 If I want to get the latest fort77 from website, where is it available?


Tzafrir Cohen

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