Hi everyone

2 probs:
I connect to a linux box using ssh2 (SuSE 6.4)
once connected, I set up port forwarding from client port 21 to the
server's port 21 (encrypted along the way).

I explicitly allowed the said user to get port-forwarding access:

in /etc/ssh2/sshd2_config it says:

        AllowTcpForwardingForUsers      aris

but every time I ftp to localhost on the client machine (from where it
gets forwarded to the ssh2 server) , I get in /var/log/messages on the
server box the next line:
Jul  4 14:12:59 amber sshd2[4329]: Direct TCP/IP forwarding request denied
for user in configuration.


2. Another SuSE 6.4 box, stock.
I can't figure out why, but none of the users on the box are allowed
access via ftp. (the session opens, I get asked user and password, then no
matter what user, I get kicked out).

ftpusers only has the root account. I understand SuSE has some weird PAM
module. What do I set up and where for this to work? (or, for that matter,
some FM to RT on this subject would be just as fine..)

Thanks for the help!

Miki Shapiro
Aladdin Knowledge Systems

Sex. Unix. Snowboarx.

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