On Tue, 5 Dec 2000, Nadav Har'El wrote:

> On Tue, Dec 05, 2000, Omer Zak wrote about "[OFF TOPIC] Re: Request for NT NFS 
>server recommendation.":
> > Ask for recommended brands of pork, beacon or shrimps in a mailing list
> > devoted to Jewish halacha; or for the best wine and whiskey brands in a
> > fundamental Moslem mailing list.
> >
> > However, you'll find that we are very liberal and enlightened:we only
> > sprinkle stale penguin pee on people who ask Windows NT related questions.
> It's more like asking on a Jewish mailing-list "where can I find Glat-Kosher
> shrimp-lookalike that my gentile friends can serve me?"
> He's probably looking for NFS for NT because he *does* use Linux (or another
> Unix), but his NT-using friends [gentiles] that want to serve him files
> [food] still want to do that in their familiar way [serving shrimp].
> You also make up other shrimp analogies for other NT-Unix mixing situations:
> 1. putting an SMB server on the Unix machine: "where can I find Glat-Kosher
>  shrimp-lookalikes that I can serve to my gentile friends?"
> 2. putting NFS clients on the NT machines: "my gentile friends are used to
>  shrimp - what doctor do you recommend to install a chicken-digesting module
>  inside them?" ;)
> 3. putting SMB client on the Unix machine: "Can you recommend a chemical
>  to transform the nasty shrimp my gentile friends serve me into chicken?"
> And a more serious note - I don't know anything about NFS servers on NT, but
> instead of putting an NFS server on the NT machine you can also consider
> putting an SMB client on the Linux machine, to mount "normal" NT-exported
> filesystems. This is very easy to do in Linux: put in /etc/fstab a like like
> //server/dir /mnt/dir smbfs uid=nyh,gid=nyh,username=me,password=Pasw0rd 0 0
> See man 'man smbmount' for more information.
> Of course, replacing the directories, username, and other details, with the
> correct ones.

Guys and Girls!

What I need is NFS server for NT since I want NT machine as fileserver for
Unix ( Solaris and Linux ).

I apologize if religious feeling of members of this list were hurt,
yet I'd like to get an answer for my question.

> --
> Nadav Har'El                      |       Tuesday, Dec 5 2000, 8 Kislev 5761
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]           |-----------------------------------------
> Phone: +972-53-245868, ICQ 13349191 |Birthdays are good for you - the more
> http://nadav.harel.org.il         |you have the longer you live.
> =================================================================
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