
from HUJI it's nice and fast as always :-)


On Wed, 31 Jan 2001, Ishai Parasol wrote:

> Hi
> You're not the only one !!!
> Ishai.
> On Tuesday 30 January 2001 17:04, Shaul Karl wrote:
> > I am experiencing hard times trying to get to
> > http://plasma-gate.weizmann.ac.il /Linux/maillists.
> >
> > It is so slow that it is almost useless. Am Ithe only one? Can something
> > be done about it?
> =================================================================
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Schlomo Schapiro
Computation Authority
Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Tel: ++972 / 2 / 65-84404
Fax:             65-27349
WWW:   http://shum.cc.huji.ac.il/~schapiro

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