On Thu, 10 May 2001 00:23:51 +0200, Eran Tromer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ehud Karni wrote:
> > I suggest using the right and left arrow keys, such that:
> > 
> > Ctrl+Shift+Left  ==> R2L direction, Hebrew (or any other R2L font)
> > Ctrl+Shift+Right ==> L2R direction, Latin  (or any other L2R font)
> > Alt+Shift+Left   ==> Direction unchanged, Hebrew (or any other R2L font)
> > Alt+Shift+Right  ==> direction unchanged, Latin  (or any other L2R font)
> Ctrl-Shift-Right is used in GTK text widgets for "jump to next word
> while selecting". Similarly for Ctrl-Shift-Left. 
> This binding, copied from Windows, is useful and intuitive. Overriding
> it is not an attractive option.

We can use Alt+Ctrl+<arrow> instead of Ctrl+Shift+<arrow>.

> But since we're already into fancy stuff, I propose:
> Ctrl-LeftShift-LeftShift    ==> R2L direction, Hebrew
> Ctrl-RightShift-RightShift  ==> L2R direction, Latin
> Alt-LeftShift-LeftShift     ==> Direction unchanged, Hebrew
> Alt-RightShift-RightShift   ==> Direction unchanged, Latin
> E.g., for the first option you press Ctrl and hit LeftShift twice. 

This has the drawback that it is not a "key", so most higher up
applications (those that don't check key-press/key-release) will not
get (and you won't be able to change just that key by xmodmap).


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