I am the main programmer of Freecell Solver, which is a library and an
executable for automatic solving of boards of Freecell and similar
Solitaire variants. Freecell Solver is already used by KDE's Solitaire
suite - kpat - and it is expected that it will be used by PySol and by
GNOME's AisleRiot as well. Thus, I decided to make it into a package that
will be used by all of those Freecell implementations.

Freecell Solver now has an Autoconf/Automake/libtool-based building
process that generates a shared library, a static library, and an
executable that links against the shared library. I have already written
an RPM SPEC for it (partially in thanks to Tzafrir Cohen's lecture), and
installing it by rpm seems to work fine.

However, I would also like to have a Debian package it. Now, since I don't
use Debian regularily nor its package system, I would like to have someone
who does, so he can maintain it for me. Thus, if anyone of you wishes to
be one, or can forward this message to a global Debian mailing-list, I
would be grateful to you.

What the maintainer should have (in that order):

1. Familiarity with how to make a Debian package or a willingless to learn

2. Familiarity with RPM SPECS. I maintain the RedHat package, and he could
build the Debian based on its SPEC.

3. Familiarity with Freecell and similar games, and with Freecell Solver
in particular. (I believe he will need to test it to make sure everything
is fine).

If anyone is willing to take the job, he should contact me at


        - The Freecell Solver Homepage

        - The Freecell Solver mailing-list

        - A message sent to it discussing this issue.

Best regards,

        Shlomi Fish

Shlomi Fish        [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Home Page:         http://t2.technion.ac.il/~shlomif/
Home E-mail:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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