Hi list,

I'm connected to the internet via Barak online, with a linux IP-masquerading
machine, with a decent IPChains setup in my kernel. I'm also using xconsole
so I see the deny & logged attempts to log into my machine.

The thing is I get many many scans, and I can see only the non-stealth ones.
I'm being scanned many times per connection to the net, which is nowadays
almost daily. The unauthorized connection attempts are to various ports,
including 137, 12345, etc' etc' other beautiful assortments... . 

I was wandering if people subscribed to other ISPs also get many scans as I,
or this is something Barak excels at (having too many
kids-with-much-spare-time-on-their-hands...) . 

BTW, obviously, Barak are extremely useful when I call them complaining
about this situation that each time I connect through them I get scanned
(god knows how many scans such as those were made when other people in my
house connected via Windows).


AVAYA Communication.
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