On Thu, 24 May 2001, Oded Arbel wrote:

> Hi list.
> I remember, once upon a time, that we discused XServers for windows (and
> other OSs). I don't remember if anyone mentioned it - but JCraft has an
> XServer (called WeirdX) written in Java - so it should run on any system
> that has JDK 1.1.
> I've recently downloaded it and ran it successfuly on win98se (JRE 1.3).
> it's GPLed and free to download.

I recently tried it.

You can save yourself some effortsof overcoming unnecessary limitations,
and run it as a local application, instead of an applet in a browser.

OTOH I saw on freshmeat something called LanLords (IIRC) that is basically
some settings of WeirdX together with MindTerm (which has now a more
restrictive license to its ssh version, BTW) to connect via SSH and run X
apps on a linux box via a browser. I haven't tried it.

BTW: The only other free X server for win32 is XFree, when compiled with
cygwin: http://sources.redhat.com/cygwin/xfree/ IIRC. Installation is not
exactly trivial, though (from what I heard. I haven't tried it yet)

Tzafrir Cohen

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