On Mon, 11 Jun 2001, Shaul Karl wrote:

> I am not sure I understand the differences between a hub and a switch. Am I
> right in saying that these 2 devices operate at 2 distinct layers?

  Ethernet (10base5, or 10base2) is shared media (everyone gets everyone's
traffic). A hub (10baseT) does the same (it delivers everyone's traffic to
everyone). Therefore it runs at a single speed (10 or 100) and it is half
duplex (If I talk, you must be quiet). A switch delivers traffic only
(with some exceptions) to the port that needs to see it (based on MAC
address). It can also buffer the packets, so it can do both 10Mb and 100Mb
as well as full duplex.

> Can youpoint any good online references that concentrate on explaining these
> 2 devices (and perhaps on a router too)?

  Why, did google went out of bussiness ?

-- Yaron.

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