Oleg Goldshmidt wrote:

> I do agree with Omer's conjecture that it is plausible that the
> license was simply screwed up by an unprofessional lawyer and a very
> pointy-haired executive.  On the other hand, the license remains quite
> valid as it is, and M$ are in their right to enforce it. I wouldn't put
> it past M$ to create such a license with full intent and purpose.

IANAL, but I don't think that "the license remains quite valid as it is, 
and M$ are in their right to enforce it" just as a signed and sealed 
contract that demands you to sacraifice your first born child to Bill 
Gates is not enforcable.

I don't think this license will really stand in court and furthermore 
I'm pretty sure that the person who wrote it was fully aware of that.
The intent is simply to spread FUD about Open Source and Free Software.

Most people reading it wont be able to tell that the precieved reasoning 
behind it is complete and utter bollocks, and won't know that in fact 
Microsoft themselves use and market free products under liecnses 
specifically mentioned in the license as "viral", such as Perl and the 
Artistic license.

I wonder if someone will have the balls to call their bluff and sue them 
for not realeasing the source code for Windows, IE, etc.. I'm pretty 
sure there's a line of Perl *somewhere* in their build system... ;-)


Gilad Ben-Yossef <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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