Adi Stav wrote:

>On Tue, Jul 03, 2001 at 12:13:47AM +0300, Shaul Karl wrote:
>>Thank you for the responses.
>>What I have done wrong is already pointed out.
>>If you are curious what I am trying to do:
>>1. I wanted to have jmp_buf* passed as a function parameter in order to avoid 
>>a global variable. Therefore, in the function body I had to use a local 
>>variable and initialize it with this pointer:
>>    jmp_buf local_variable = *function_paramter;
>You're using jmp_buf as an exception throwing mechanism. I'd say it WOULD
>make sense to have jmp_buf a global (or per-thread, yuck) variable, since 
>exceptions are global by nature.
Are they????

short C++ code:

void A()
        class someclass var1(constructor_arguments);

    } catch( ... )

void B()
    class someotherclass var2( constructor_arguments );


void C()

    if( adi_stav_was_here==true )
        throw NOOOOOOO(5);

If we try to (as CFront used to do) compile this code into C, we see 
that the long jump triggered by the throw in function C must stop inside 
function B, in order to run the var2 destructor. This catch handler can 
then long jump to function A to handle the explicit catch handler.

Conclusion 1 - if you enable exception handling in C++, all your 
functions probably carry exception handlers (there are good things to 
say for Java's "you must declare exceptions" syntax).
Conclusion 2 - exceptions are not global, far from it.

For those of you still only programming in C, replace "destructor" with 
"cleanup code".


I am not trying to say there is anything against Adi Stav being here. I 
have nothing against Adi Stav in particular, and bearded people in 
general. Some of my best friends are Adi Stav.

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