> On Fri, Jul 06, 2001 at 04:14:20PM -0000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > > Right now you have 2 samba installed - one in /usr/bin and one in
> > > /usr/local/bin
> > All source projects are built by default to prefix=/usr/local, while rpm are
> > built with prefix=/usr, is there a good reason for that?
> /usr/local was probably meant to be a local disk while /usr was to be
> mounted from a shared place and contain the basic OS. As you wouldn't
> wanna mix up your custom utilities with the system ones or to polute
> the /usr/ for everyone, you'd store them on your own disk, at
> /usr/local/. On the other hand, RPMs or DEBs are considered a part
> of the system installation.

>From the standard:

       /usr is the second major section of the filesystem.  /usr is shareable,
       read-only data.  That means that /usr should be shareable between
       various FHS-compliant hosts and must not be written to.  Any information
       that is host-specific or varies with time is stored elsewhere.


       The /usr/local hierarchy is for use by the system administrator when
       installing software locally.  It needs to be safe from being overwritten
       when the system software is updated.  It may be used for programs and
       data that are shareable amongst a group of hosts, but not found in /usr.

       Locally installed software must be placed within /usr/local rather than
       /usr unless it is being installed to replace or upgrade software in

> It's also a good practice to separate all your custom-compiled
> utilities into /usr/local/, since it helps to retain packaging system
> integrity -- all software which you can uninstall via the packaging
> system would be in /usr, while all the rest would go into /usr/local/.
> For more info, see
> http://www.pathname.com/fhs/pub/fhs-2.2.pdf
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        Shaul Karl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hillel used to say: If I am not for myself who will be for me?
Yet, if I am for myself only, what am I? And if not now, when?
                                          (Ethics Of The Fathers 1:14)

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