On Tue, Nov 20, 2001, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote about "mount problems with 
kernel 2.4.X":
> Hi,
> There is a "mount" problem with kernel 2.4.X (2.4.2-2, 2.4.7,...2.4.18)
> When you try to mount a local or remote file system to a specific mount point,
> and you issue the same command several time, to the SAME mount point,
> you will not get an warning, that this mount point is already mounted.

If I remember correctly, this is one of the most frequently asked question
on the linux-kernel mailing list (I don't have a reference, so you might want
to search the web). In short, they claim "it's a feature, not a bug".

I don't remember the whole explanation, but I think that idea is that this
kernel added the ability to mount the same filesystem several times (which
at times is very convenient), and with that came the weird possibility to
mount it several times in the same mountpoint, and they never bothered to check
for this cae because it doesn't do any harm.

I'm not sure, however, why they allowed several filesystems (even if its
the same one) to be mounted on the same mountpoint. What can *that* be
good for?

Nadav Har'El                        |      Tuesday, Nov 20 2001, 6 Kislev 5762
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