
I want to use a text from an existing power-point 97 presentation in a
latex document.

Is there any linux software except star/openoffice that can read
powerpoint files?

I tried reading the file with kpresent, got some error messages, and a
google search gave me a reply that said: "don't bother using this import
filter with this document.

I also tried the obvious 'strings'. But different bits of text were spread
all over the docuemnt.

An RTF export of the presentation contains many text parts that are in
seperate textboxes and thus don't appear in the outline.

I'm intetrested in the text of the presentation, but layed-out in a
resonable manner. E.g.: seperated to slides.

Any ideas, or maybe I should simply manually copy&paste the whole thing
to a text document?

Tzafrir Cohen

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