A short summary, and a reply

On Wed, 21 Nov 2001, Igor Tertishny wrote:

> Hi!
> We inform that the firm " Aluf Computers " begins realization of the plan
> popularization of operational system Linux in Israel, as systems capable to
> replace products of the well-known firm for work in offices and home. At
> present we are official reseller of"Alt Linux". Alt Linux has left from
> Mandrake Linux, but quite for a long time it is completely independent
> distribution kit. On experience ofwork with Alt Linux Spring 2001, Alt
> Linux Junior and server distribution kit Alt Linux Castle it is possible to
> conclude that on the present moment there is no more convenient and practical
> distribution kit. The comparison was made with SuSE Linux, Redhat Linux, ASP
> Linux, Mandrake Linux, Debian Linux and Slackware Linux. By our order the
> firm Alt Linux together with our initiative group has begun development
> office' and user' hebrew version of the distribution kit Junior. As the first
> variant - Enable. Further is planned to receive completely hebrew version of
> the shell X (Gnome, KDE2, IceWM - transformed according tohebrew standards,
> from the right to the left).

In short:

1. There is a distro called altlinux (http://www.altlinux.ru , in russian)
2. it is originally based on mandrake
3. You sell it
4. You say it is the best distro
5. You began (?) a hebrew translation (of what?)

> Unfortunately, the financing of the given project is not made yet. The
> development goes by forces of the enthusiasts. And we invite to participation
> in our project everyone,who is interested in Linux and its development in
> our country. We wait for the help! How many it is possible to give back
> everything on a Microsoft's payoff ? If who has already development on
> hebrewzation according to the license GNU - call us, take part in our
> project.

Where is the distro? Where is an information page about what needs to be

What is the license of the distro itself? Do you allow and encourge free
distribution? Do you aim for an "open development" process like Mandrake
or Debian?

> The second step on popularization of Linux became opening (on base " Aluf
> Computers " in Jerusalem) of courses on using of Linux. In two variants - "
> Using of Linux in office and home work" and" Network Administration,
> constructed on a basis Linux ". Further we havemore plans of the courses on
> web-administration in Linux, Perl, PHP, administration of databases and
> creation of the client applications . We have already many requests of the
> people wishing to be trained on similar courses. While they are organized in
> Russian, as the overwhelming majority of the requests is sent from Russians.
> But also there is a lot offrom those whom a native language - hebrew. But
> we do not havepeople capable to give a quite enough professional teaching on
> hebrew. Therefore we invite to cooperationhebrew speaking Linuxoids of
> Israel.

Again, more specific details would help.

> We wait for your letters and for your help! We wait also for those who simply
> wishes to communicateto the people which are loving and knowing the same
> things, that knows andloves he or she. You see it would be also desirable
> to organizeJerusalem Linux club.
> With wishing the best to you, friends!
> Phone:         02-6568263 (till 15:00), 058-258539
>                                               Yehuda Ben-Yosef

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