On Sat, Sep 29, 2001 at 01:57:16PM +0200, Ishai Parasol wrote:
> Hi,
> I used openssl Ca.pl tool to sign my own certificate and then I added it to
> the original req file (as described in the qpopper manual) but when I try to
> login with Outlook Express with ssl I get from the server log:
> "(null) at 192.168.x.x (192.168.x.x): -ERR POP EOF or I/O Error".
> All the results of my searches in the manuals and google were not connected
> to the ssl thing but without the ssl I manage to login and get my mail with
> no
> problem.
> Do you have any idea what can it be ? (my tls/ssl support in the config file
> is set to stls, uses port 110 for ssl and regular logins).

The same port both for SSL and non-SSL connections? Weird. The usual
configuration is to use port 995 for SSL-ed POP3 and 110 for regular

Do you manage to connect to the SSL POP3 server with stunnel?
stunnel -c -r SERVER:110 -f
Then replace the port 110 with 995 and try again.

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