On 2001 September? 29 ,Saturday 15:38, Tzafrir Cohen wrote:
> First of all, you can easily run gnome from kdm and kde from gdm. It's all
> a matter of putting the right session (and it is really not that
> difficult).
duh... but, I want it to run my own script per user.

> Anyway, check your distro's settings. In a proper system both "gnome" and
> "kde" should call some standard X init scriptthat does some extra work
> (/etc/X11/Xsession , IIRC). Have a look there. I believe it calls some
> user script, like .xinitrc or .Xclients .
you did understand. in mandrake 7.2, the order is ~/.xsession, ~/.Xclients. 
but only if no evniroment was asked.  apparently it asks for the last 
enviroment everytime I log in, (which was gnome or kde depending the user) 
and it says that the default action is not found (?). how do i convice gdm to 
look at the home dir of the user that is logging in? I tried once to had new 
accound on /etc/X11/gdm/Sessions but it was deleted somehow. (gdm?)

> > 2) when I ste LC_CTYPE =he_IL, all gnome programs use a really ugly font
> > which I could not change nor identify. it is a font which does not look
> > good scaled. how do I change it?
> /etc/gtk/gtkrc.he or ~/.gtkrc , I believe.
is there a reason for that? what  about the global gtkrc? (the one I choose 
in gnomecc?)

> There is also mozilla, of course.
yes under a slow computer, you must be kidding. no  computer that does not 
qualify as a super computer can run mozilla for more then 30 minutes. 
Expecially when the bidi angine starts running, and then when you edit a html 
in english the letters appears 2-3 seconds after you type them.

 - diego
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