On Sun, 25 Nov 2001, Lior Kesos wrote:

> Played with it and got to a stage I can see the mixed fonts althoug
> they're all idented to the right.
> The wierd thing is that printing hebrew with -H is only possible with no
> vimrc file.
> The minute I use my default or even the hebrew enhanced .vimrc it
> appears to lose it's ability to print hebrew.
> Any ideas?

:h hebrew

My current macros are:
if has("rightleft")
  " toggle both direction and hebrew keyboard mapping
  " this is useful for logical-order hebrew editing
  map <F9>   :set invrl<CR>:set invhk<CR>
  " do it when in insert mode as well (and return to insert mode)
  imap <F9> <Esc>:set invrl<CR>:set invhk<CR>a

  " toggle both reverse insertion and hebrew keyboard mapping
  " this is useful for visual-order hebrew editing
  map <F10>   :set invrevins<CR>:set invhk<CR>
  " do it when in insert mode as well (and return to insert mode)
  "imap <F10> <Esc>:set invrevins<CR>:set invhk<CR>a
  imap <F10> <C-_>

  "toggle comand line language
  cmap  <S-F9>  <C-_>

  " toggale language and add at EOL
  map <C-F9>   :set invrl<CR>:set invhk<CR>
  " do it when in insert mode as well (and return to insert mode)
  imap <C-F9> <Esc>:set invrl<CR>:set invhk<CR>A

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