On Fri, 30 Nov 2001, Max Kovgan wrote:

> if you're trying to leave clients content, it's better to serve better
> than to serve more...
> i mean from client point of view:
> if i'm able to connect, and log in, let me the best bandwidth while i'm
> here, even if i'm trying to get many files simultaneously.
> if you can't do this, simply tell me too many users connected to this
> server, and i'll look for another fast mirror.
> anyway you don't get promotion/raise in salarty from the fact that there
> were more IPs connected to the site, so at least let it be fast as hell.
> somebody disagrees ?

yes, i quite disagree. you don't realy get a faster connection by doing 50
simultaneous downloads. suppose that your bandwidth allows you to fetch
200KB/second, and that in a isngle download you get 40KB/second. then,
using 5 (or 6, to save for the instability of download speeds) you'll fill
up your trunk. thus, opening up 50 parallel connections would not gain
anything for you, while disallowing others to open connections to the ftp

Ilya - just raise the number to 5, and be done with it. we'll see how it
goes, and possibly fine-tune it again in a week or two, after more input
is gathered.

as for limiting number of connections for the same file - that won't do.
first, a user may leach an entire set of files from the same PC at once.
second, you'llneed to limit on a per-file-per-IP bases (waht if several
people try to download the new ISO image of some distribution at the same
time?) - and i'm not sure iglu's ftp server software can do that.


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