On 17 Jan 2002, Oleg Goldshmidt wrote:

> Oh, yes? So if IE (that passed QA etc) lets a virus in that wipes my
> disk including all the IP on it, I can sue M$ for damages? Yippee!

like, DUHHH, ofcourse you can. problem is, the program had a
click-through license that included a big disclaimer. IANAL, but had you
payed a single US dollar to M$ for the product, you would have some
legal base to claim their disclaimer (and indeed other parts of the
EULA) are illegal, but that's a lost cause because of the capitalistic
laws defending them too well. my post was meant to give a realistic and
not idealistic POV.

> > the moral is: Gratis OSS = no warrenty.
> In most cases, I guess "if (Gratis) then (No warranty)" holds, but it
> is not a reflexive equivalence relationship.

ofcourse not, my typo. s/=/=>/

> Event this may not be true in certain jurisdictions, because there
> might be warranties mandated by law.

in a sane world... :)

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