On Mon, 21 Jan 2002, Boris Kreitchman wrote:

> My suggestion is to upgrade - 5.1 is way too old and stabilizing won't
> take more that couple of days. Recompiling autoconf from source may
> save you this time but you will encounter same problem with almost every
> new application you'll try to install.

I have RedHat 7.2 in another hard disk.  But the driver for my ISDN card
there is not certified and when I try to activate it, my computer hangs up
completely.  I wrote a message about this problem (which I saw also in
Mandrake 8.1) to the ISDN maintainers mailing list few weeks ago - no
reply (I am resending it today, with CC to Linux-IL, with the hope that
someone here does know something about the problem). 

So stabilizing my RedHat 7.2 installation won't be a trivial few days'
matter - at worst case, it might require re-certification of an ISDN
driver by the German authorities, and who knows how long would this take
and with how much expense.
                                             --- Omer
There is no IGLU Cabal.  It was both necessary and impossible to upgrade
system software yet retain all important features and capabilities.  So
things fell apart.
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