Shalom Lekulam:

Here is the finalized program for this Friday.

Please note times are approximate. We do plan to start the first talk
at 9:30 (not as in previous years, where we always started late), but
since the aim is to learn, we are not going to rush the speakers. So
Aviram's talk (which will be a 60-90 minute talk) might start as late as


Jeremy Schiff

M O A D O N   L I N U X - B I U

Friday February 15th
3rd Floor Seminar Room, Math & CS Building, BIU
(Please park outside the campus and walk in, allow at leat 10 minutes
for this)

9:30  Uri Lebovich, Compaq (Israel)
      " Linux@Compaq"
      A roadmap to Compaq's current and future linux projects
10:00 Lior Kesos
      "Compiling and upgrading the kernel"
      This talk will be the first in a series we hope to have about the
      kernel. It is aimed at people who know how to use and program in
      linux and want to start to learn about the kernel. Please do not
      come to this talk expecting to learn _everything_ about the kernel
      ...this will be just an introduction!

10:30 coffee and discussion (and time to volunteer to give talks)

11:00 Aviram Jenick
      "Securing your Machine from the Ground Up"
        - Am I a target?
        - What creates the opening
        - Secure your machine:
          * What are your problems?
          * Close services
          * Upgrade packages
          * Check for information leakage
          * Install a firewall
          * Inspect your logs
          * Know who's knocking
        - Other things to consider:
          * Who guards your doors?
          * Stay updated with current events
          * Consider automated updating system

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