On Mon, 2002-02-11 at 06:23, Amichai Rotman wrote:
> Hi All,
> I have a an AVM Fritz ISDN card installed. The software that came on the disk 
> is only for that other OS.
> One of the features on said software is a little window popping up every time 
> there's an incoming call stating the name (if present in address book) an 
> number of caller, in other words: CallerID.
> While looking for something on my box (MDK 8.1) in my /var/log/messages file, 
> I noticed a line for each incoming call. 
> Is there a Linux prog to do what the other OS does? The info is in there...

I've put together a small Perl GTK utility for that. It uses the ISDN
modem device rather than /var/log/messages, since the log file doesn't
let you know when the phone stops ringing.


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