> I asked:
> > I downloaded and installed the sendsms scripts. They work fine for pele-phone,
> > but only work about 30% of the time for Orange.
> > 
> > I get the message "Sent successfully." in the log, but nothing happens on
> > the phone.
> I found the answer. Walla will accept a message with quotes " ' or a pound
> sign # in it and "send it sucessfully", but it will not go anywhere.
> I added the following line to the sendsms script where I thought appropriate.
>         $message =~ tr /"'#/---/; 
> Which changes the unwanted characters to hyphens. 

I must shamefully admit that I have never noticed the # (pound) problem...
It is slightly more complicated: it seems that Orange-Walla expects a hex ascii
value after the #. It does not work for many characters and when it doesn't, it
causes the message to be silently dropped, as you reported.
Thus, your solution might be the sanest one.

I could not reproduce your problem with quotes and double quotes. they arrive
finely to my phone.

I would like to thank the orange subscriber who helped me find the pattern.


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