I am very fond of Corel-Draw. The first version I used was Corel-Draw 2.0,
after which I switched to Corel-Draw 4.0, which I received free with a
printer my family bought. Corel-Draw 4.0 is very good and almost
entirely bug-free, but it still a Win3.11 program, and gives me some hard
time. I wanted to switch to the newest version.

So I addressed the Corel Israeli representatives about it and mentioned
the fact that I was a Technion student. However, they replied me that they
do not give it to students at a lower price and that I should address
someone else for getting it for the full price of 2000 NIS. Naturally,
since I am a student who lives in a rented apartment and have a negative
influx, I cannot afford to pay that much. (nor my father, because he would
need a very good reason to spend so much on it).

I found a site which sells such software for American students for $100 or
so. That is a reasonable price. But it's only for _American_. MS Israel
gives rebates for students for most of its central software like Office or
DevStudio. And Linux is practically free for anybody. So, why can't Corel
follow suit?

Part of the reason people switched from WordPerfect 5.1 to Word was that
Microsoft gave it at a discount to course houses, teachers, etc. And I
still find WordPerfect 5.1 for DOS superior to Word XP, which is the
latest WYSIEWYDWTG[1] version of Word. Of course I eventually learned
LaTeX, but I still remember WP5.1 (and WP6.0 even more so) as a good word

If Corel does not enforce a global student/courses policy no wonder it's
still behind Microsoft. Instead of looking for places where Microsoft
abuses its power - maybe we should look for places where its competitors
are not acting just as wisely.


        Shlomi Fish

[1] = What you see is exactly what you don't want to get.

Shlomi Fish        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Home Page:         http://t2.technion.ac.il/~shlomif/
Home E-mail:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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