On Thu, 14 Mar 2002, Nadav Har'El wrote:

> That's where books are better than manuals - given their length, they can
> also give examples and explain the ideas behind why certain things were
> done the way they were done, and what they are good for.

or online tutorials. i'll offer my usual plug (what took me so long? ;)  )
for lupg, http://www.actcom.co.il/~choo/lupg/tutorials/ , and click on the
'Multi-Threaded Programming With The Pthreads Library' link. (some people
beleife in free software. i believe in free documentation).

ofcourse, that's only to get your started. if you'll want to truly master
threading, reading the source is an idea, as well as possibly reading a

btw, the best way to learn a subject, is to write a tutorial about it, or
prepare a _thorought_ lecture. you'd be surprised how effective these
methods can be - provided you are a profficient programmer, with a good
theoretical background. when that's the case - the concepts are usually
not realy new - if you did enough multi-process programming, switching
into multi-threading is much easier then if you have never done any
multi-process programming. (multi process is NOT client-server - that's a
very simplistic model, which teaches only a small part of the IPC world).


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