On Sun, May 12, 2002, Matitiahu Allouche wrote about "Bidi updates for OpenOffice word 
processor Rel 641D":
> I am glad to announce that IBM Israel is ready to distribute updates to 
> the source for OpenOffice word processor (swriter), aimed at providing 
> Bidi (Hebrew and Arabic) support.

That's good news :)
Kudos to IBM and everyone who was involved in this project!

> According to the guidelines set by our legal department, we cannot release 
> the full product, so we have built a set of diff source files and 
> associated documentation.  Whoever wants to create a Bidi-enabled version 
> of swriter should do the following:

Is there a special reason why the binary version distributed by openoffice.org
cannot contain your patch, or even why the patch isn't integrated with the
official source (like was done in Mozilla)? Does your patch have the same
license as the regular openoffice.org code? Does it add much overhead to
the handling of non-Hebrew text?

> d) Download the full sources of OpenOffice
> e) Apply the diff files to the OpenOffice source files as described in the 
> doc (CompilOO641d.html)
> f) Build the OpenOffice executables (also described in the doc)

The person who does this should have a large disk and be prepared for a long
wait. From the openoffice FAQ:
(I already posted this to hackers-il a week ago - sorry for the duplication)

Q: How much hard drive space needed for a full build of OpenOffice.org
   including source?
A: The current recommendation is 3GB.
   The source code is ~328MB
   The build requires 2GB
   The creation of an installation set requires ~300MB.

Q: How long does an OpenOffice.org build take?
A: Our current experience is that a full build of OpenOffice.org is
   approximately 20 hours on a single CPU Pentium III with 256MB of RAM
   running Linux.

Q: How much source code is there?
A: OpenOffice.org source will have approx. 20,000 source files.
   OpenOffice.org will have approx.  7,600,000 lines of code. The majority
   of the code is C++. 

> When the changes and build will have been verified by at least one of the 
> wise linux-il crowd, we would be very glad if somebody (iglu site?) can 
> put the update package and/or the executables on some ftp server for 
> everybody to download.

Yes, that would be very nice.

I'm a bit surprised IBM doesn't want to "advertise" itself and get the
credit it deserves by providing the complete binary on its site. But these
lawyer guys always come up with weird decisions, don't they ;)

Nadav Har'El                        |        Sunday, May 12 2002, 1 Sivan 5762
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