Daniel Feiglin wrote:

> What it says, is:
> "From information that has come to our attention, there is suspicion ("oleh 
> chashad") that in your organisation, there is inconsistency ("choser hatama") 
> between the the number of programmes installed on computers belonging to your 
> company, and the number of licenses which you purchased for those programmes".

I would check with your lawyer first, but it sounds to me that you could fight
it on any of the following grounds:

1. Your right to privacy allows you to not register any products or licenses
   that you have purchased.

2. Your right to privacy allows you to not tell anyone how many computers,
   what you have installed on them and what you do with them.

2a. Does your EULA REQUIRE you to register each copy you have licensed?

3. Exactly what information do they have? Where did they get it? How do they
   know how many licneses you did purchase. For example, if you purchased a
   new computer with the windows and office included, are you required to
   register it with Microsoft? How would this affect your business? 

4. Why is there suspicison? Do they have any grounds for this claim? Is this
   defamation of character? Are you entitled to damages?

5. If Microsoft knew exactly how many computers you have, and what you have
   installed on them, would this information be kept 100% confidential?
   Could it affect your business even if it was? (is Microsoft in a competing

6. Who audits Microsoft? 


Geoffrey S. Mendelson
Bloomberg L.P., BFM (Israel) 2 hours ahead of London, 7 hours ahead of New York.
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