On Tue, 2002-05-14 at 11:11, Ishay Inbar wrote:
> What about more popular formats, such as DivX or mpeg ?

I apologise in advance if i misunderstood your intentions., but are you
sure Linux-IL (or any public mailing list for that matter) is the right
place for discussing how to best perform copyright violation?

Even if we ignore the obvious practical legal issues involved I'm rather
bothered by the moral aspect. As someone who got the famous 'Cease and
Decist' letter from the MPAA because of his DeCSS mirror I think I have
every right to ask you to reconsider if THESE are the guys whose
creation you want to rip and mass copy - they aren't really big time
Hollywood big wits you know and making movies costs real money.


Gilad Ben-Yossef <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Code mangler, senior coffee drinker and VP SIGSEGV
Qlusters ltd.

"To err is human. To realy fsck up you need a computer. For
 those really large scale disastears, an SSI cluster is a must."

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