On Tue, 2002-05-28 at 18:15, Hetz Ben Hamo wrote:

> I've looked yesterday at Walla news at this URL: 
> http://news.walla.co.il/ts.cgi?tsscript=item&path=4&id=230631
> In the Article, IBM claimed they have a new revolutionary way that no-hard 
> disk is needed, and it can boot from network...
> I'm pretty sure that many people have been done (or doing) this before - X 
> terminals, booting DOS using pboot with a simple EPROM chip on the network so 
> it can loads other parts (or in case of Linux/Unix machines - asks for IP and 
> running another parts of the boot)..
> So whats revolutionary here? I fail to see it..

The idea is that with iBoot your OS doesn't need to be aware that it
boots from a remote disk. The whole "diskless" thing is completely
transparent to the OS and the user. It works via iSCSI, which is SCSI
over IP.

For more details:

Alex Shnitman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
http://alexsh.hectic.net/   UIN 188956
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