/ is fully accessible, mounted rw, it's OK.
cd; mkdir 1; mv .Xauth* 1 - does not help.
cd /tmp; touch .X0-lock - does not help.
cd /var/run; touch gpm.pid - does not help.

there are only 2 filesystems: /boot and /, both mounted rw.

--- Tzafrir Cohen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Wed, 29 May 2002, Maxim Kryachko wrote:
> > Hi all.
> > After sudden powerdown the system goes up, but:
> >
> > 1. X would not start complaining "cannot lock .Xauthority file" and "cannot
> > read /tmp/.X0-lock". /tmp/X0-lock does not exist. 2. gpm service would not
> > start complaining /var/run/gpm.pid is notpresent. 3. on boot there is a
> > message "cannot remove /var/lock/subsys/network": input-output error.
> >
> > Fsck does not find any problems.
> > Any suggestions?
> Start with gpm, as it s generally simpler than X.
> First some necessary reality checks:
> Are you sure that /tmp and /var (or maybe the whole of /) are nt mounted
> 'ro'? or maybe some file systems are njot mounted at all? Or maybe some
> directories do not exists?
> I assume that you have already checked those (or you would have noticed
> them), but just in case.
> Anyway, all those messages hint of a file-system level problem. Can
> 'touch' and  'rm' be used to create and/or delete the relevant files?
> -- 
> Tzafrir Cohen
> http://www.technion.ac.il/~tzafrir

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