(as i've got a few yes-es already, i'm moving to the 2nd part of
 helping to set up a yom iyoon for linux enthusiasts).

based on gilad's plan of twisting hetz's original idea, we are planning to
have a 'linux day' on some friday morning, 1-2 month from now (that is,
sometime in july, most likely).

The current plan include:

1. renting the small cinemateque hall (in Tel-Aviv) for about 3 hours on a
   friday morning.

2. having a public showing of the 'Revolution OS' movie (for those who
   didn't hear yet - its a documentary movie that tries to gather (via
   interviews) the story of the free software/open source "movement").
   the movie is 85 minutes long.

3. carrying between 2-3 _technical_ lectures about various aspects of
   linux. currently, gilad suggested to give a lecture about using linux
   for embedded systems. we'll see what other lectures to present as
   things materialize - we promise to make them technical.

this event has costs coming with it, and we intend to pay it from our own
pockets. due to that, anyone that wishes to come would pay 50 NIS as their
share of helping pay for the hall (2000-2500NIS) and the movie screening
rights (~400$). if due to some miracle, there'll be enough people to cover
all costs, the ammount of money per person will be reduced - but i don't
expect to have so many people (over 80) there anyway.

before we go and make the actual ordering of the movie, the hall and
lectures preparation, we want to make sure there is enough demand.

Thus, i would like everyone that rely intends to come to the event, to
send me email (in private, to [EMAIL PROTECTED]) with your name (full
name, so i'll be able to sort the list properly), and write that you want
to come _with_ your 50 NIS bill (cash, we have no means to handle credit
cards - we just collect the money on behalf of everyone, to pay for the

when we get enough people on this list (20 people being the minimum),
we'll make the formal preparations and ordering required. i hope we'll
reach that number (or surpass it) in 1-2 weeks.

if there are any questions which were _not_ refered to in this email,
please write directly to me. if a question would seem to be of public
interest, i'll write about it to the list.

feel free to forward this letter to people who are not subscribed to
linux-il (or haifux) - every 50 NIS bill is allowed to bring with it one
human companion ;)  (and don't get smart - its 50 NIS per person, not per

ok. enough talking. waiting for your letters to pile up now ;)


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