On Wednesday 29 May 2002 23:52, Hetz Ben Hamo wrote:
> Building them? you mean installing them?
I think that if a binary rpm would be disrtibuted, with special rpm for each 
non officials modules, like lirc, linmodems that would help a lot to 
everybody. IMHO it's the distrivutions responsability to package things like 
that (linmodes is extramly important). 

> Why?
> For example - the Connexant HCF and HSF winmodem got a very nice trick -
> instead of re-installing the Linux RPM of their driver - you just need to
> re-run /sbin/hsf-config
a) those drivers need to be builded on the user pc (very good job i may add)
btw the hcf did not work for me.
b) it is more easy to just install those as binary rpm.
c) it is important to educate the distros that those kinds of things should be 
added, it is not that diffuicault, and is extramly important. 
d) what if i do not have -devel packages on my system?

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