On Mon, 24 Jun 2002 16:59:36 +0300 (IDT), 
Shlomi Fish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> The title says it all pretty much. I personally don't use the emacs
> mailer, but I know a lecturer who does.

Emacs19 is really old. It also have several mailers all of them support
MIME in recent versions on Emacs.

1. rmail - I don't know if v19 support mime I guess not.

2. vm - this is probably the easy way to go if nothing works out of the
   box.  It would be relativly easy to find a version that on emacs19
   and have mime support.

3. gnus - recent versions don't support emacs19, but earlier versions
   can do mime with some add-on packages like tm.  gnus is a news reder,
   so having it as a mail reader needs mental adjustment.

4. mh-e - if mh support mime, mh-e will probably also do it.

Yair Friedman.

A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a
hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build
a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying,  take orders, give orders, cooperate,
act alone,  solve equations, analyze a new problem,  pitch manure, program a
computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly.
Specialization is for insects.                         -- Robert A. Heinlein

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