Nadav Har'El wrote:

> Please show us the proxy part of your httpd.conf in both versions.

Working version:


        ProxyRequests On
        ProxyVia on  

        CacheRoot /var/www/proxy

        ProxyRemote * http://xxxxx:80
        NoProxy .xxx .yyyy
        CacheSize 16000
        CacheGcInterval 4
        CacheMaxExpire 24
        CacheLastModifiedFactor 0.1
        CacheDefaultExpire 1
        NoCache .xxx
Not working:

        LoadModule proxy_module       modules/
        AddModule mod_proxy.c
        ProxyRequests On 


        <Directory proxy:*>
        Order deny,allow
         Allow from all

        ProxyVia Full

        ProxyRemote * http://xxxxxx:80
        NoProxy .xxx .yyy .zzz
        CacheRoot "/var/cache/httpd"
        CacheSize 5
        CacheGcInterval 4
        CacheMaxExpire 24
        CacheLastModifiedFactor 0.1
        CacheDefaultExpire 1
        NoCache .xxx

> By the way, you should really upgrade to apache 1.3.26, as earlier versions
> have a security hole that can gain people "nobody" priviliges (and possibly
> root, if you have also a local hole on your machine).

Not a problem. If anyone can get through the firewall, I have a lot more
problems to worry about apache. If I don't have hotmail I have angry people
in my office to worry about. :-)

Thanks, geoff.

Geoffrey S. Mendelson
Bloomberg L.P., BFM (Israel) 2 hours ahead of London, 7 hours ahead of New York.
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